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Robert Stanelle - 2010-08-27

The real problem with these sites is that people can simply lie and tell any tales they like with no relation to the truth and no knowledge of the real facts of a situation. Did a teacher have his wife get pregnant? Yes. However, he announced it in March that a baby was due in October. He gave two days notice and, in fact, had already purchased his air tickets to return to the U.S. before telling the university he was leaving. In fact, we found out later that he had announced to all his classes that I (Robert) would be taking over his classes without ever speaking to me or the university! All of a sudden I, at age 68, had 150 additional pupils.

The bottom line is legal. He broke his contract and did not have to do so. If one reads their contract, it clearly states that your paid spring festival holiday is dependent upon your completing your contract as is your RT air ticket reimbursement. He broke his contract with the university and he was penalized for doing so. I was not involved in the decision. It was purely a legal one between him and the university. He later sent me an email complaining to me and I simply told him that he had a contract and he broke it. Did he think there would be no penalties for that? Did he expect us to serve has a future reference for him? I think not. I would have penalized him more had I the power for sticking me with all his classes. He, of course, whined to other foreign teachers and friends about it to try and make the school or me look at fault. It is the typical young American. Tale no responsibility for your own actions/decisions - just blame the other guy. These young people need to understand that in China a contract is a contract. This is not professional sports where they can just break a contract without penalty. Fulfill your contract and you will never have any problems.

So believe what you like. People always do. We are a first class school with a first class administration and faculty. Other comments made are so ludicrous they deserve no respons.

Messages In This Thread
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- Robert Stanelle -- 2010-08-27
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- ale -- 2010-08-29
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- englishgibson -- 2010-08-30
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- Dragonized -- 2010-08-28
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