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Joe Blogs - 2010-09-01
In response to Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) (Kaibo)

Well well, there are certainly people out there who will sing the praises of companies that continue to feed them money and require that they make little or no effort to change an ultimatley flawed and negligent system. Chinese culture.... blah blah, how about expecting some common courtousy, manners and erm... honesty. trust me people, the reason why this company deserves to be attacked as a whole is the fact that there is a money grabbing business tyrant who owns NDI and will do anything just to save money. Teachers justify how much paper they use for their lessons by.... signing more paper! The lessons are outdated and not even relevant to the students and their daily lives. Who ever wrote those lesson plans needs to be shot! It's like NDI has taken one teachers' experience for one year and modelled that as their basis for all lessons throughout their branches. Trust me, I have heard plenty of stories from GOOD PEOPLE who love chinese culture and YES, they do get ripped off or lied to or cheated or generally treated with disrespect. Of course if you have SERVED your master for many years you might begin to believe in Hitler, I mean NDI and will of course defend it. But I care not, the main point is that any teacher who doesn't want to get trapped in a one year contract with a company that has no respect for you or their students and only cares about money, should stay clear of this place! Oh sure, plenty of you might attack the manner in which this is written, but I am happy if I can steer even a few good people away from the nightmare that I and so many others have had to endure. Trust me, I'm not even being dramtic, its that bad and we foreigners might as well work for a good company that cares for the students and for the teachers and constantly tries to improve on its teaching methods and lessons. I would get depressed as I looked at lessons that I didn't even want to teach, they were so poor, but we are obligated to teach this rubbish. You will definatley be at work longer than you think, nope not 25 hours a week, try 8 hours a day, try justifying your pay by teaching endless english corners, bars and so on. Facilities are poor and if they could save money by having us teach in the dark in a sewer then they would. It all looks flashy to begin with and then you realise that it is a front. Everything is geared towards drawing in more and more chinese students, getting their money and getting them to sign that contract. Oh wait, and I have also seen students shout and curse and try very hard to get their money back.... but that's like trying to steal the devil's naughty list from hell. Oh well, think i'm done for now. I understand that you are looking for genuine adise and so read between the lines. can't offer you a mature, well written document singing the praises for a company, but I can with al sincerity wish you to reconsider having anything to do with this company. Give up the money and go work for a University instead. Whoop whoop. Did I mention you won't even get the holidays or time off to see any of China!

Messages In This Thread
NDI (New Dynamic Institute) Suzhou, China -- John Mann -- 2009-09-08
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Kaibo -- 2009-09-11
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- rater -- 2010-09-16
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Kaibo -- 2010-09-17
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Joe Blogs -- 2010-09-19
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- rater -- 2010-09-17
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- George Johnstone -- 2010-09-17
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Chengdu FT -- 2010-09-02
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Joe Blogs -- 2010-09-01
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Kaibo -- 2010-09-02
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- Joe Blogs -- 2010-09-03
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