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Chris - 2010-09-05
In response to Re: EF Changchun (Chris)

Oh , and one more thing : The local staff here are kind and have all gone out of their way to help the foreigners even when the foreigners have been precocious and lazy . Before I came here to EF Changchun I read the comments on this site and was worried about whether or not I was going to get screwed . I decided to take the chance anyway because other people took the time to counter some of the claims made about this school . Not only were the claims misleading but some of them were plainly slander . Newbies SHOULD come to this school because they'll get exactly what they were promised and they will be given the help they need to get acquainted with China . If people such as EF Hater want to say nasty things about a particular school well , I can't stop them but I consider it something of a responsibility to at least only talk about places they actually know something about through first-hand experience . If EF Hater ever worked here and couldn't stand the "work" or felt unappreciated then I can only assume that things have changed substantially from whenever that might have been or he/she was fired for being lazy and incompetent (as so often happens with foreigners who figure they'll make some easy cash while drinking themselves into oblivion while "visiting" China) If you can't handle 40 hours a week (which is about 30 percent more than I ever work) and all of maybe 20 hours actually teaching in the classroom then I submit to you that you have no clue what it's like to actually work a 40 hour week in the West . No rent , low bills , cost of living is nothing compared to Canada (my country) and you're treated a hell of a lot better than you'd ever be back home ... your standard of living here is certainly higher as well your quality of life . No "issues" with drugs or drink and all you've got to do is put in a couple of days worth of actual teaching ... this is hardly any reason to badmouth a school . If that's anybody's idea of too much then seriously , that person needs to spend a couple of decades hauling garbage , cooking , or working the night shift at some warehouse .

In other words , badmouth some other place . This particular franchise is perfectly good and run above-board . I can't speak for the others anywhere else so , unlike EF Hater , I'm not going to . Maybe they are crap but this one certainly isn't .

Messages In This Thread
EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-04
Re: EF Changchun -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-05
Re: EF Changchun -- EF Hater -- 2010-09-04
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-04
Re: EF Changchun -- EF Hater -- 2010-09-05
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-05
Re: EF Changchun -- EF Hater -- 2010-09-06
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-05
Re: EF Changchun -- englishgibson -- 2010-09-06
Re: EF Changchun -- doesitmatter -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Kevin Sharpe -- 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Dragonized -- 2011-04-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Tom -- 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Burnout -- 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Kevin Sharpe -- 2011-04-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Burnout -- 2011-04-11
Re: EF Changchun -- Tom -- 2011-04-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Turino -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Tom -- 2011-04-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Turino -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Second Voice -- 2009-05-08
Re: EF Changchun -- Owen -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- Second Voice -- 2009-05-09
Re: EF Changchun -- eflfree -- 2009-05-10
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