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Chris - 2010-09-06

Oh good grief ! You mean to tell me that you don't find EF Hater's comments childish ? You can't be that dull as to think that comments akin to "Nya , nya ... oh yeah ?! Well then you're ugly !" are even remotely mature . Do you even know what an ad hominem is ? It may be Latin but as a common expression employed by English speakers you should be familiar with it . If you can neither recognize one nor connect it in context then perhaps it's no wonder you hold a grudge against so many schools . Obviously they'd have little use for somebody who doesn't even know their own language well enough to follow an argument and interject appropriately .

And OF COURSE you had to pull out the "Somebody is paying you to say nice things" card . I'm surprised it took this long . It seems like any time anybody has anything nice to say about a school that you've heard is bad then somebody must be paying them to say it . For some reason not immediately apparent to me , the concept of simply saying something good about people or companies that have treated you well is so alien to you that it doesn't even cross your mind . For the record , it should be obvious that I'm a native-English speaker and the Chinese don't tend to hire foreigners to handle their marketing in China . I would leave it at that but I can see that few of you are astute enough to grasp what I'm saying so here : No , nobody is paying me to say this and no I'm not in a position where it would be my job to scour the internet looking for negative comments to refute . Seriously , do you all wear tinfoil hats or something ?

Anyway , enough of this . People can choose to accept the word of a teacher currently employed at the school in question or they can choose to accept the word of habitual slanderers and room-temperature IQ holders. Their choice I suppose .

Messages In This Thread
Re: EF Changchun -- Chris -- 2010-09-06
Re: EF Changchun -- EF Hater -- 2010-09-07
Re: EF Changchun -- Goldengirl -- 2010-09-07
Re: EF Changchun -- EF Hater -- 2010-09-08
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