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Luke - 2010-09-09

I'm just wondering if there's any official channel in China (aside from Embassy) that ESL teachers can file their complaints about the wrongdoings of the recruiting company like Tianshuo?

I happened to have close friends working for this evil company. From what my friends in Jilin told me, every negative comment posted here is true.

My friend signed the so-called contract in summer 2009 which stated that he would receive a monthly salary based on the number of days worked. In September and October, his salary was 4,000CYN. In November and December 2009, my friend did not receive any salary at all. The company first told him to wait, wait and wait. Then it was not until February after Chinese New Year the company asked him to go to Changchun to get the salary in person. To his surprise, the way how the salary was computed was changed without the consent of my friend. The company said: "we have changed our company police. Everyone's salary is hourly based." With this sudden change of policy, my friend could only get merely more than 2,000CYN for the 2-month salary of Nov and Dec. Since Jan and Feb were unpaid due to winter vacation, my friend had no money left at all. He was forced to sign an agreement to clear the salary owed by the company.

When the school term finished in July 2010, the company did not pay him any June salary and other extra classes he did in Tonghua. Including house deposit (1k), passport deposit (2k), airfare reimbursement, the total amount of money owed by Tianshuo was more than 7,000CYN. Not surprisingly, however, the company refused to pay anything before he flew back home. The company promised him to give everything back to him if he decided to renew the contract starting September 2010. But my friend really needed to go back home, and don't want to work for Tianshuo anymore. At first, Tianshuo promised to give back the 7,000 in September. But now it's already September 9... Tianshuo still hasn't paid back.

I really want to know what can my friend do to get back what he should have. As his friend, I feel so pissed to see him being exploited by such a scum company. I would appreciate if anyone can offer any suggestions regarding how to seek back salary owed by Tianshuo.

Messages In This Thread
Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China -- john -- 2007-06-10
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Luke -- 2010-09-09
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Lynn -- 2009-01-20
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Adil aman -- 2009-01-28
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- kiki_maggie=hell -- 2008-03-04
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- daniel -- 2008-07-07
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- kaye2600 -- 2008-08-10
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Choatle -- 2008-07-07
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Choatle -- 2008-03-05
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Native teacher -- 2008-03-14
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch - ESL school review -- Extefler -- 2007-06-10
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch - ESL school review -- GrateGatsby -- 2007-06-24
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- HarlequinGoddess -- 2008-07-20
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Sponge Bob -- 2008-12-16
Re: Jilin Province Tianshuo Education Exchanges Service Co., LTD, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Ch -- Not surprised anymore -- 2008-12-17
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