View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea
Anonymous - 2010-09-11

Do not under any circumstance accept a job from Stephen Cho from EDUOrange. Stephen is a major investor in Canada International School (CIS) and Topia in Ansan, South Korea. He works at those schools in addition to operating his recruitment agency. His first priority is to place teachers at these two schools, both of which are run by a scam artist named Jake Ku. The teachers at both of those schools are not getting paid and Stephen knows it. They are currently receiving less than half of their salary, just barely enough to live on. The schools are losing money and most of the tuition that is coming in is being used to pay off the owner's debt. The schools are currently being operated similar to a pyramid scheme. Teachers who were working there were not getting paid so they quit. More teachers were brought in to replace them and then they were not getting paid so they quit. They will bring in more and more teachers to replace those teachers and so on and so on. It is doubtful that any former teacher who quit will be paid. DO NOT accept a job from this recruiter. DO NOT work at Topia in Ansan or Canada International School (CIS) in Ansan. Stephen Cho is the most dishonest recruiter in Korea, beyond a doubt. I have heard horror stories from people about how he messed up their visas, forgot to pick them up at the airport upon their arrival, and most importantly bringing them to schools that do not pay their teachers knowing full well the teachers are not getting paid! He may have some decent schools in his list of hagwons but do you really want to risk accepting a job from this man? You should not. There are many other recruiters with similar jobs or the exact same jobs and ALL of them are significantly better than Stephen Cho and EDU Orange. DO NOT ACCEPT A JOB FROM THIS RECRUITER AND THIS RECRUITMENT FIRM.

Messages In This Thread
Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Anonymous -- 2010-09-11
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Carrie Schubert -- 2011-03-25
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Stan -- 2011-05-15
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Rod -- 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Rod -- 2011-03-26
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Ashley Fox -- 2010-12-14
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Seoul_Guy -- 2011-06-18
Orange Education Co. -- Stan -- 2011-05-15
Re Orange Education Co. -- Ashley -- 2011-05-15
Re: Orange Education Co. -- Gary G. -- 2011-06-14
Re: Orange Education Co. -- Joseph Moore -- 2011-06-14
Re Orange Education Co. -- Seoul_Guy -- 2011-06-11
Re Stephen Cho from EDUORANGE - worst recruiter in Korea -- Chris -- 2011-01-30
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