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kaibo - 2010-09-18

Sorry Turnoi, maybe you missed the point. Contextual info might shed more light. Taking info out of context is not really balancing the view I hold.

It is inevitable that problems exist throughout every sphere of ESL education -universities, private language centres, mainstream state schools etc., many or should we say most of them have potential or ongoing disputes based on misunderstandings, cultural differences, contractual problems, visa problems etc.

The term 'screw'-could also be loosely termed 'business negotiation.' Previous posts in this thread contain some relevant info as well. Even when one individual comes unstuck, be it for their personal shortcomings or the shortcomings within an org, blaming the whole system or a whole corporate entity needs to be carefully balanced.

The term 'screw' may have been better if I said it like this: It was once stated to me that ... many corporate managers will 'try it on' (screw a potential employee) in any sphere of business when hiring an employee in China --we might add the world-- unless the potential employee has the negotiating power of influence to strike a good deal.

Shit happens -- this is the world!

There might oneday be a national standard in this developing country with an ombudsman set up for dispute resolution but as it stands now the avenue for dispute resolution is fraught with problems. Inevitably the individual Chinese employer representatives are usally on top of the situation when it comes to presenting a case. However, in the province where I reside and have done for more than three years, the Labour Bureau, SAFEA offical, PSB or Education Dept representative have pursued some orgs for inappropriate and unbecoming conduct towards staff. Both Chinese and FTs have been supported by our officals and they do a great job. Once again it might come down to the negotiating influence of the individual to cause the relevant authorities to pursue a case. Many orgs in this city have been warned of severe penalties and some have been shut down or shipped out. FTs as well are getting warned or shipped, but the Chinese authorities in their wisdom are incredibly patient in most cases and require the schools to deal with their troublesome staff.

Corporate NDI has never screwed me because my work-service ethic is relatively sound. I just serve to the best of my ability but I also serve it up when required. We are here by choice if we are from a prosperous background and have financial independence. They need us more than we need them but we can never assume we are the lords and masters of their manor. Many of my associates stick with this org because as long as the FTs are dedicated to deliver their best, then the imperfect scenarios are secondary. Some of us negotiate hard and neither do we take any shit from would be dictators.

One needs to be careful though because as far as a long term career goes here, we need to remember we are guests in this country, we are not natives neither can we be accepted as a permanent resident without a valuable contribution over a lond period of time in 'service' to the PRC (green card.) That is unless a corporate entity injects 500,000,000 USD --at least that is what it used to be. Then and only then can individuals be accepted as PR candidates. We also might add that individuals who 'school hop' get screwed more frequently because they themselves are many times offended people who carried offenses from their homelands into the ESL sphere. For those who might not know, nine times out of ten a letter of recommendation is required to be rightfully employed across the PRC. It is damn hard if an individual burns a bridge even if the burnt bridge was just because an org or manager was a tyrant.

I stand by my view that: this industry is about service -- facilitators of ESL are servants -- teachers are servants as well. Perhaps the professor can be considered the master but even then he must serve ethically.

I hope everyone has a fair deal and can strike some kind of balance because from my standpoint, I pursued this org 5 years ago in Wuhan because the head office was located on the 40th floor next to the building housing the Hubei HQ of the WTO. Great job-great location. I would not have changed it for the world.

Thanks NDI
Thanks China

PS: apologies for including the concocted word 'beguilistic' --it served my purpose at the time.

Cheers guys -- nice joust!

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Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) -- kaibo -- 2010-09-18
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