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Kipper - 2010-09-18

Has anyone ever heard of some place called TOP Education in Shenzhen? It's some tiny little training center close to Shenzhen University. If you've heard of it, or not, my advice is to stay away. Why? Let me recount my experience.

I went there today to talk to the schools supposed Boss, a fellow calling himself Sam. He is a Chinese who immigrated to Canada, and now claims to be born and raised in Canada, a true blue foreigner just like the rest of us. Problem is his English is only so so, he speaks fluent native level Chinese, and he has a thick accent of a Chinese who has learned English, and is no way a native speaker. My guess is he want's to try and come across as "one of the gang", and gain more trust from foreign teachers by being "one of them" himself.

I arrived early and asked if I could meet him sooner, as the train got there way faster than I'd anticipated. His response was simply "You're a big boy, find something to do until then." Hmm, this set of a few warning bells to me, such a condescending answer, with overtones of contempt, however I just figured I might be being to sensitive so I dismissed my bad feeling.

This fellow showed up a few minutes before 3 and gave me a call right as I was walking back to our meeting place from my "finding" something to do, I'd have rather he simply told me how to get there from our meeting place, as my something to do consisted of wandering around for 30 minutes. His call to me was the 4th call I had gotten in 1 hours time. This guy was a rather anxious fellow, and for some reason kept bothering me constantly for basically nothing up until the hour before out meeting.

Firstly I discovered upon arriving that they are not really a school per say, but an agency that sub contracts out to other schools, a farming operation really. I was not happy about this, but he informed me that the other schools were close by. I then asked about pay, as he had led me to believe that they paid by the lesson. No, by the month. This is a part time job, with no legal employment, only a nod and a handshake, so I asked why only by the month. He simply said it was how it had always been, in his very heavy Chinese accent, and that we "foreigners" would have to trust his company. I proceeded to ask some more questions, and pointed out that there was no legal agreement, so it would be hard for me or any foreigner to commit to monthly pay for part time non contracted work. It was at this point that this seemingly nice fellow turned into a kook. He proceeded to tell me that he could be trusted, because he was a foreigner, a real foreigner, like me, though he clearly was not. He said this several times, as well as offering to show me his Canadian passport 3 times. I've no idea why he did this. Then, after saying this, he began to talk about how "foreigners" his word, not mine, how foreigners are unreliable, not Chinese bosses like himself, and that he is tired of babysitting "foreigners" like me. I was shocked to be honest. The guy was very angry, and had clearly worked himself up into a real lather, though I'd said nothing to provoke such a response. He proceeded to reiterate that he is a foreigner so we should damn well trust him.

At this point I was shaking my head and trying to figure out what the heck this guy was going on about, when the fellow continued by telling me I am not an adult, because he had to pick me up at another place like a child who could not find their way. I sat there asking myself, "Is this how this guy recruits teachers, if it is, no wonder he is so desperate for help." I found this statement particularly strange considering that I merely met him at the place he asked me to. I'd have been happy to go directly there, but he never gave me that option. Maybe he got confused an thought I was someone else. Who knows. The guy went on ranting about Lord only knows what, but I stopped listening, and got up to leave. I did not wish to be rude so I offered my hand and said "goodbye" however he stopped ranting at this point, and refused to take my hand. At this point I just walked out, quite tired of listening to some guy who is trying to convince foreigners he is a foreigner also, and not Chinese, and then in the same breath claiming that he is "tired" of babysitting foreigners as a good Chinese Boss. To be honest it was a very strange meeting.

I'd recommend that if you live in Shenzhen and get shuttled to or show up at a very small place with the words "Top Education" on a sign above the door, that you turn tail and run. They offer hardly any hours, and expect you to accept monthly pay for illegal work with no guarantee of getting paid. Besides these facts, the boss is a kook, and has a real hatred for foreigners, whilst at the same time wanting to be one. Very strange. Why do Chinese bosses act like this and ho come I've never encountered bosses like this in the west? I advise avoiding this agent.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone ever heard of TOP Education in Shenzhen? -- Kipper -- 2010-09-18
Re: Anyone ever heard of TOP Education in Shenzhen? -- IM -- 2010-09-19
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