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Sanguine - 2010-09-22

OK Ilacmorf, so we are supposed to take your word on what is second hand information, when we have a first hand account from Adrian? Which is generally more reliable?

You tell us that the school is great, however let me ask how long did you work there? You also did not work for the actual school Adrian speaks of, as he was hired to work at a new school, and to actually create that new school.

Next, how do his problems with their fouling up his visa have anything to do with you working at a "public" school that you say this Indian fellow runs? I would firstly ask, are you sure about that? I have never ever heard of a foreigner running a public, state owned and run school, only private training centers. Maybe you are mistaken about some of the fine details here. However even if not, what does your working there have to do with the totally inept screw ups this guy made, and the seeming lies he told? Also, how exactly do you know that this guy is telling the truth when he says some recruiter posted ads for this school without his knowing. That seems rather unlikely, especially considering how much lower the salary was for the job. Wouldn't the person who posted this, supposedly without the schools permission, need to get that salary number from somewhere? You are also being duped, and played for a lackey and a pawn to help this guy promote a better image and safe face.

Lastly, you had a good time working there, whoopi. There are many foreigners who come to China and make such perfect lackeys that school owners love them, as they will take more abuse than others and just not care. Late pay, so what, apartment has rats, so what, at least it's a roof, contract not being honored, that's OK, it's their culture. China will always have apologists that will stick up for even the worst of them, hence your words really hold little weight, as they are "your" subjective opinion of a persons character measured against someone elses real experience with being treated like crap. Your so called "good" experience doesn't do anything to cancel that out.

Maybe you had a good time there, but that's doesn't make the place "good" that just makes your perception, opinion of it good. Nothing you said can be measured in any real objective way by others to come to a conclusion of whether or not it's a good or bad school. Basically you are just giving your opinion about something in a general way, while Adrian gave us actual experiences that happened to him that can be judged objectively, because they are specific "experiences" that we cna all relate to. You saying " it's great" doesn't really do it for me.

Messages In This Thread
International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- M. Fallows -- 2010-05-20
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Sanguine -- 2010-09-22
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Crap School Hunter -- 2010-09-30
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Ilacmorf -- 2010-09-22
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Tom -- 2010-09-23
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Sanguine -- 2010-09-22
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- In The Know -- 2010-09-22
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Jayden Taller -- 2010-06-09
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- TFLS is Rude -- 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Marlowe -- 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Jayden Taller -- 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School - Jayden -- Rudness -- 2010-06-09
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Marlowe -- 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- The Rattlesnake -- 2010-06-07
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- RWB1985 -- 2010-05-20
Re: International Language Village of TFLS, Taishan - Taishan Foreign Language School -- Little Leaf -- 2010-05-21
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