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Tom - 2010-09-27

Hello Sanguine
It sounded like the newcomer to that rotten establishment had read many negative reviews on the place before he chose to put himself at their mercy. If one sees bad reviews don't give the school the benefit of the doubt, reasoning that all the contributors could be telling a pack of lies, just don't go there. Even with years of experience in China we can all come a cropper and we can't know for sure if things will work out until we arrive. The lies by omission on the contract is one of the biggest problems-You should ask at least twenty question when you get a contract(that's before you are in their clutches). The company often shows you the contract in Mandarin and English and unless you can read Chinese characters you know not if they correspond. The contract in English is of course not worth the paper it's written on.

Well, if you like MSG ladled into your grub like it was going out of fashion continue eating Chinese food. Do you like MSG? is not much different from saying, Do you like Chinese food? I notice a lot of the Chinese takeaways in the West are now not using MSG-the trouble is with that is your egg fried rice comes up a horrible brown colour since they feel obliged to compensate by adding lots of soy sauce. In mainland China they throw MSG around with gay abandon. Thank you no! I don't like eating chemicals. My wife is Chinese and she likes good healthy English food. Mind you Chinese food is still better for you than Macdonald but that doesn't say a lot-at least the cook in Macdonald is more likely to wash his hands and less likely to spit in the food I suppose.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Kurt -- 2009-12-18
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Ein Halb-Deutscher von Schottland -- 2009-12-19
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- kurt -- 2009-12-20
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Ein Halb-Deutscher aus Schottland -- 2009-12-20
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Kurt -- 2009-12-22
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Ein Halb-Deutscher aus Schottland -- 2009-12-22
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Dan Higgins -- 2010-03-23
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-01
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Rene -- 2012-07-06
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- englishgibson -- 2012-07-06
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Gary -- 2015-04-27
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Kanadian -- 2012-07-06
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- country_girl -- 2010-05-12
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Murphy -- 2010-04-27
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Murphy -- 2010-05-02
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Al -- 2010-06-21
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- marc -- 2010-09-23
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Tom -- 2010-09-25
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Sanguine -- 2010-09-25
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Tom -- 2010-09-27
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Sanguine -- 2010-09-24
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- country_girl -- 2010-05-12
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- Murphy -- 2010-05-22
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- zvon -- 2010-03-24
Re: Avoid Yangzhou College of Environment and Resources -- kurt -- 2009-12-22
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