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Teacher - 2010-10-16

How do you spell WORST RECRUITER IN KOREA? Could it be E-D-U-O-R-A-N-G-E? Stephen Cho from Eduorange Recruiting is a certifiable nutcase. He may appear normal at first but if you work with him often, you'll find out what a psycho he really is. Stephen put me at a school that didn't pay me for months. Not only does Stephen do the recruiting for that school but he works there as well. Not only does he work there but he is also an investor in the schools. Can I say CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!!!! Topia is actually named Topia Orange, "Orange" of course was taken from Stephen's recruitment agency. When the teachers started quitting those schools, Stephen got angry and yelled at them. He didn't care that they weren't getting paid, what concerned him was that they were quitting the schools that weren't paying them. Not only does Stephen not care that they weren't getting paid, he was even bringing in more unsuspecting teachers to work there, none of whom will be paid! Stephen knew they wouldn't be paid and he brought them there anyway, all in an attempt to save a failing school that he invested in. He has no morals. Here is a copy of his advertisements for the school straight from eslcafe's Korean Job Board:

*** VERY SPECIAL-2.3/2.4 Million won: Hot Position in Ansan(new town-Close to Joongang station):
ONLY Education/Teaching majored teachers wanted.
Excellent teaching schedule finishes by 6:00pm from 10:00am-Everyday.
1 Teaching Kinder/Elementary students-Friendly working atmostphere, Good working hours finishes by 6:00pm. 6 foreign teachers working now.
Good location (clean town and near subway station).Very stable and reliable position. Friendly good director.
2. 5 days a week. 2 weeks vacations. 3 sick days, Very stable and well established. 2.4-2.5 Million won. Medical insurance and National Pension.
3. Good Single apartemnt(clean and spacious).

*** Hot Position in Ansan New Town(SeoulMetro):
Very Stable and reliable school.
Female prefered.
Good location near Joongang station.
1 Teaching Elementary students with afternoon block shift between 2:00/3:00pm and 8:00/9:00pm.
Friendly working atmostphere, Good working hours from afternoon. 2 foreign teachers working.
Professional management-Good reputation. Friendly good director-speaks english well.
2. only 5/6 classes a day- 30 hours a week, 5 days a week. 2 weeks vacations. 3 sick days, Very stable and well established. 2.2-2.3 Million won. Medical insurance and National Pension.
3. Good Single apartemnt(clean and spacious)-modern and high rised building.

Just about the only thing in those ads is that is true is that the schools are near Joongang Station and that teachers work 5 days each week.

* Teachers have not been paid regularly since February and none of them have received anything close to their contractual salaries.

* The schools are NOT "very stable" nor are they "reliable". They both suck.

* There is not a "friendly working atmosphere". The teachers hate it there and quit all the time.

* The schools do not have a "friendly good director". If you met the director you'd laugh hysterically at that one. He's an idiot with the personality of a comatose guinea pig. He does speak English well, I'd admit. That's his only strong point.

* The schools are not "well established". They may be going out of business soon.

* "Medical Insurance and National Pension". You will get neither.

Sure, Stephen probably has a few good schools in his list of job vacancies at hagwons. However, his real priority is to get you to work at one of two schools where the teachers haven't been paid for months - Topia or Canada International School (CIS) in Ansan. Other recruiters have the exact same and/or similar positions advertised. You should work with one of the other recruiters instead. After all, do you really want to take the chance on Eduorange when so many other teachers have had bad experiences? If you get an email from Eduorange, click DELETE immediately. You can thank me later.

To see my review of the schools go to

Messages In This Thread
Stephen Cho From Eduorange: Recruiter From Hell! -- Teacher -- 2010-10-16
Re Stephen Cho From Eduorange: Recruiter From Hell! -- S -- 2010-12-02
Re: Stephen Cho From Eduorange: Recruiter From Hell! -- Dragonized -- 2010-10-17
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