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Unanimous - 2010-10-30

I received an email from this Konan's Boy School saying that they were really interested in me teaching at their school.

They had only one question left to consider me for the job....

How old are you?

This is another one of Japan's cheaply built, broken down high schools, with no a/c, hot boxes that isn't special, has no character and doesn't stand out from any of the rest. Dirt lawns, paint peeling off the entire dilapidating and moldy structure.

They were not interested in my prior teaching experience, or prior life experience. Simply... How old are you? (They liked my photo... blond hair, blue eyes.)

If you ever want a better working environment in a country that has a teaching system that is nearly entirely illegal and really, more third world that most other places don't work in Japan. Also, refuse to work for such places and demand them to join the "real" world, the modern world. Remind them they have a constitution that calls for equal protection and equal rights.

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