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beentheredonethat - 2010-11-02

I was working there until today when they decided to fire me because I had a asthma attack caused by the toxic black mold that is in my apartment. My son who is 5, my wife and I are sick because of this toxic black mold. They told me that I am fired because I am weak and not strong enough to work there because I don't want to live in an apartment with toxic black mold that is making us sicker and sicker with every passing day. Toxic black mold puts out VOC's, volatile organic compounds, which can cause respiratory problems like an asthma attack which happened to me today. I have never had an asthma attack every in my life until today, it is not an experience I care to repeat.

This school has a lot of illegal workers who are working with L visas. The always drunk visa guy mr Che is now getting these people z visas aparently. No one has to leave China to do it and I thought that people could only get z visa's outside China. so who knows who is on the take. This school is supposed to be a Christian school but they are anything but Christian.

They have given me till Friday to move out of my apartment. I do not have the money to live anywhere else as I came here with my family to work for ewha. I did not know that I was working for such a horrible school. All the bad things that have been written here are true and correct and if the Qingdao PSB is really interested in doing what is right in China a land that I Love very much then they should get these guys off their soil because it is making a mockery of this country. The president of China has said that he wants to have a country that can be looked up to as a good and honest country but with schools like this it is not what is happening.

I have never posted anything like this before even though I have been working at some schools that deserved it but none have deserved it as much as this school.

This school lured me here with a contract that they did not honour. They threatened to fire me if I did not do as they said I had to work here because of my lack of funds. I visited ewha in June and did two demo classes and they loved my teaching ability. I asked them a lot of pointed questions one of which was if I had office hours. Did I have to stay in the school or could I go home after I taught my classes. The answer I received was that I could go home after I taught, in other words no office hours. When I arrived and after the U.S. born vice president left because he couldn't stand the corruption anymore I was told that I had to be in the school from 8 until 5 Monday to Friday. I told them that that is not what I agreed to and they told me that if I don't agree then I have to leave. The writing was on the wall. They don't want teachers that demand their rights. They want teachers who will bend over and let them do whatever they want to do.

The story of the two teachers who were told to teach or they would be fired is correct. They did tell them that they have a cop with one star who will them them that it is OK to work at the school with an L visa. They have several cops in their pocket. They also have a computer link to the police data base in the vice presidents office mr Che the drunk guy.

My wife and I have not been comfortable at this school ever since we arrived. There is something here that is all wrong. The head of the elementary school Gina Kim who only has an L visa told me that there are Korean Mafia connected to this school and teachers report seeing people carrying bags of money around.

I do not know why this school has not been shut down yet. Many of the students are not there legally if they checked they would see that they do not have the proper visa's.

Now, you may say that I am a disgruntled ex employee. I was just let go today because like I said I wont live in an apartment that is making my family and I sick. Is that a reason to fire someone. I am hoping that this will be the last straw and that this school will be closed down. A lot of people tell me to not bother this school has so many connections that they will not be bothered by someone like me. The payoffs are going too far up the line and no one will close them down because they are paying off too many police and politicians. Maybe I am naive but I would like to think that there are some officials that are disgusted by this school as much as I am.

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