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Sanguine - 2010-11-22
In response to Lingdong Foshan (not impressed)

They with hold 1,000 p/m as a deposit . they offer an end of year bonus 6,000rmb sounds good yeah........NEVER HAPPENS.

The private school Lingdong is running out of students and money.
Do yourself a favour and stay away.

The end of year bonus is indeed at an end, and a thing of the past. Almost no school will ever give it to you, for one made up reason or another. It seems like it is now more of a fake inducement then anything else. Private schools definitely will never deliver on this promise, and you can't be sure public ones will either. This was not always the case, but the market is becoming more and more saturated with foreigners, so schools feel they can get away with more crap; because there is always someone else waiting to take up the reins. Ignore promises of large bonuses, they will likely never be paid. Focus upon the salary, the there and then benefits like housing, and amount of work being asked of you. End of contract bonuses, don't even worry about them.

Messages In This Thread
Lingdong Foshan -- not impressed -- 2010-11-20
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-22
Re Lingdong Foshan -- EU'ER -- 2010-11-23
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-24
Re Lingdong Foshan -- EU'ER -- 2010-11-24
Re Lingdong Foshan & ne'er-do-well backpackers -- Oldtimer -- 2010-11-24
Re Lingdong Foshan -- backpacker cum-teacher -- 2010-11-24
Re Lingdong Foshan -- EU'ER -- 2010-11-25
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-20
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-20
Re Lingdong Foshan -- EU'er -- 2010-11-20
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-22
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