View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Berlitz Beijing/ Official Tax Table
Foxy - 2010-11-29
In response to Re Berlitz Beijing (Poster)

Official Tax Table:
Amount of Monthly Salary/% of Income Tax Paid
Below 4801/0%,
4801 - 5300/5%.
5301 - 6800/10%.
Above 6800/15%.

Example: I earn 5500 RMB/month gross salary. My tax deduction is just 55 RMB/month, which is 10%, as per the official tax table above. My net salary is therefore 5445 RMB/month. My university also credits my smart card for cafeteria meals with 100 RMB a month. This is not taxed. Chinese income tax for laowai is far from excessive.

If you're paying heavy income tax here on the Chinese mainland, you're being screwed over by your employer!

Messages In This Thread
Berlitz Beijing -- Louise -- 2010-08-12
Re Berlitz Beijing -- Poster -- 2010-11-29
Re Berlitz Beijing -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-04
Re Berlitz Beijing/ Official Tax Table -- Foxy -- 2010-11-29
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