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PR - 2010-12-04

"I 'arrest' my case?" Really? Did you read this case its rights first? Very peculiar indeed...

On another note, many thanks again everyone for all your support. We have been flooded with support the past few days, as word of the evil machinations of these mindless charlatans going by the name of Birmy International English has spread like wildfire across the web.

We received a huge and very welcome boost this morning; several students & staff (both former & current) of this festering snake-pit they call Birmy International English, have decided to join forces with us in our class action. Many of them will also be taking on these troglodytes personally, as they have been royally cheated out of their hard-earned money here.

Through this, some extremely disturbing additional information has come to light. This includes Birmy's intimidation of staff (especially reception, which now completes the picture as to why we would often find them in tears at work) and their spy system (just like the cold war era, where one of the Chinese tutors spies daily on foreign teachers' comings and goings, both in & out of the school, reporting back to head office in Jiaojiang).

This has given us added impetus (not that we needed it) to nail these deplorable neanderthals (our deepest apologies to early man here) called Birmy International English. Our sincere thanks again to all of you for all your support. There is justice in the TEFL world after-all. We'll keep you posted!

P.S. Oh, just a quick tip for the Birmy minions who will no doubt also be reading this: as any lawyer worth half their salt will tell you (and we're guessing you can afford one given the cash you're raking in off unsuspecting students), you can only sue for defamation if what is being said is untrue. Put THAT in your new Audi R8 paid for with your conned students' hard earned money and try driving it.

Messages In This Thread
Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Peter -- 2010-11-19
Birmy International English The truth -- twiggie -- 2012-10-22
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- twiggie -- 2012-10-25
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- San Migs -- 2012-10-26
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- Jimmy Savvie -- 2012-10-26
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- ftz -- 2012-10-25
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- ftz -- 2012-10-23
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- San Migs -- 2012-10-23
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- Dragonized -- 2012-10-23
Re: Birmy International English The truth -- Jimmy Savvie -- 2012-10-23
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Birmy International English -- 2010-12-01
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-12-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Torts are BS -- 2010-12-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Neil -- 2010-11-27
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Jim -- 2010-11-26
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- seamallowance -- 2010-12-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- EU'ER -- 2010-11-27
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-26
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Johnny -- 2011-06-06
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Tsang -- 2011-06-09
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- San Mig -- 2011-06-24
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2011-06-06
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- 1664 -- 2011-06-06
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-06
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Staniszewski -- 2010-11-26
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-26
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- EU'er -- 2010-11-19
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Eu'er -- 2010-11-21
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Peter -- 2010-11-19
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Ex-TC -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- EU'er -- 2010-11-20
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Chinawhite -- 2010-12-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2011-04-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Tom -- 2011-04-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Bart Powell -- 2011-04-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Bavaria Bier -- 2011-04-05
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Tom -- 2011-04-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Pete Haslam -- 2011-04-02
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Tom -- 2011-04-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-03
Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Chinawhite -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-05
Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Chinawhite -- 2010-12-06
Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Comrade Major Admiral Whitherottom -- 2010-12-06
Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Rock'n Roll Joe -- 2010-12-06
Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-06
Re Birmy International English one of my best experiences of working in China for a private training ever ..! -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-06
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- The Lawyer -- 2010-12-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Chinawhite -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- PR -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- The Lawyer -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Mal -- 2010-12-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Dragonized -- 2010-12-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Foxy -- 2010-12-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- The Lawyer -- 2010-12-03
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