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Kev - 2011-01-03
In response to Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou (The Lawyer 2011)

Given that The median years a person stays in one job is 4.1 years (2008), an avg person will have to have 7-10 jobs.

It is amazing how when one hears training centres they assume that the teachers are inexperienced, incapable and unintelligent. Using your example of the fellow at new star you seem to be suggesting that because he tried a variety of different jobs he is unable to be an effective teacher. There is no mention of his attitude, his life experiences or what his ultimate goals are. Would it not be a good thing to employ someone who has a variety of experiences to draw upon. If he is willing and has a positive attitude towards the job could he not be molded into an effective teacher? It is probably best to judge each individual applicant wanting to come to China based on their personality rather than only by their past experience.

On this post and many others there is this broad generalization that any foreigner willing to teach at a training school is a layabout who is unable to find a worthwhile life in their native country. Those generalizations are insulting to those that have made a choice to do something very few people back home will. Some do find out that teaching is not their calling but there are others that truly do well at it, and effectively contribute to their adopted homeland.

As for training schools they do have advantages that public schools, high schools and universities do not. Smaller class sizes, higher levels of motivation by both students and parents and an ability to cull those from the school with no desire to learn English are all the things "real schools" can not do.

From what I understand these forums are meant to help the teachers living abroad be informed and given choices. If all these forums are is for trolling and personally insulting individuals I would have to say it is a sad state of affairs.

Messages In This Thread
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- The Lawyer 2011 -- 2011-01-01
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kev -- 2011-01-03
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- TL -- 2011-01-03
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kev -- 2011-01-04
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-05
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-05
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