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Irish_10 - 2011-01-12

Petersons School of English; Bogot, Colombia Review

I worked for Petersons for 5 months in 2010 & really enjoyed working for them.

Although the way EFL is taught in Bogot surprised me a bit (it's all one-to-one pretty much) and I didn't enjoy all the travelling that you inevitably end up having to do, Petersons was a really good school to work for. They paid an average wage (17,500 pesos an hr) had minimal paperwork (only attendance sheets and a very quick & easy to fill in monthly evaluation of your students) AND most importantly they paid on time EVERY TIME and always the correct amount.

Oscar is a character and really made me feel that if I ever had any problems with anything (professionally or personally) that I could contact him & he would do his best to assist. The lady in the office Cecilia was always very friendly and welcoming.
They were always offering me more hours & tried to keep them near to where I lived if possible, especially if they were evening classes.

All in all, a great school to work for & I have zero complaints!

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