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Tom - 2011-01-14

"excuse me, Honorable, 'JUST AND RIGHT,' Turnoi, do you know Kevin personally? Or are all your opinions second-, third- and fourth-hand? I understand that you consider yourself a champion for the people, but you really have no idea what your talking about most of the time. You spend all your time on this website relating other peoples experiences. Do you think that is worthy of your superior abilities, to be a champion blogger on this obscure website? If you were so noble, so righteous, so God-like, why don't you do something that is actually worth-while, something meaningful? Such as, say, shining your awe-inspiring light on the children of the world? Or start"

Well, you may well refer to this site as obscure, Steve, but let me tell you a true story- A while ago I was trekking in Thailand when I came across an Irishman sitting in a river; he had broken a sandal and was nursing a wounded foot brought about by said sandal. I helped him to the bank where we had a fag and I managed to do a temporary repair on his footwear with the help of insulation tape which i carry for such emergencies.

Anyway, to get to the point, we chatted and he revealed to me how he had been saved from going to a really shitty school in China by reading what TURNOI had to say about the place on this obscure website.His mate ignored the warning and ended up not paid, homeless and broke, and to top it all fined 3000 RMB because they didn't provide a visa for him. The Irishman himself had gone on to a really good school in China, a good atmosphere and plenty of good company.

Carry on the good work Turnoi. In words of Steve, worthwhile and meaningful.

You are well aware many FT's visit this site Steve, which is why you are so angry.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou -- steve -- 2011-01-14
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou -- Tom -- 2011-01-14
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou -- steve -- 2011-01-15
Re: Suzhou International Foreign Language School, Xiangcheng District of Suzhou -- Dragonized -- 2011-01-15
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