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Tom - 2011-01-17

WOW! well I never, Turnoi, I knew you had at least one PhD. but a Church of England Vicar to boot! this all makes Kevin/Steve look a bit stupid suggesting you have nothing else to do but trawl through these sites-which makes me think, how come he's got all this time on his hands to spread his malicious lies? No sooner any one of us answers his evil messages we get another vitriol. He should be out dating or something not wasting his time supporting this "school" Up to an employer to support himself. But then again, he's not who he says he is?

I myself do not have the commitments in my life you must have; nevertheless, I would prefer not to be passing comment on this site-it's just that bad Chinese employers who abuse Western Teachers and Chinese students, really really annoy me. Indeed the stupidity of some FT's who get ensnared by the likes of Steve really annoys me too but that's by the bye.

To be fair to Kevin, he must have a bit of bulldog in him, he lost the argument yonks ago but somehow bruised and battered he struggles to his feet and presents himself for another knock out blow. But maybe that's just a man who sees his business at risk of going down the pan.

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Re Using straight and clear language is always good! -- Tom -- 2011-01-17
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