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TL - 2011-01-19

What does TL stand for then- "Too Lazy" to read? I suggest you read my post again and you will see that I clearly indicate my hours will not be changing-"Same hours" I said. These hours total 14-16, which is about right for me- It depends on the individual but for me to work 30-40 hours in China would be a nonsense-how do you get to know the place or learn the language? Especially as some crap schools in China don't pay you for winter and summer breaks, let alone other Chinese holidays, air fare, travel money; therefore, It doesn't take a mathematical genius to calculate that a 5000 RMB no extras to pay on your flat university job, will make you better off than a 10,000 private outfit job.

TL=THE LAWYER, my chosen pseudonym on these boards. Although to be precise it is not a false name, as I am, point of fact, a law graduate and well versed in all matters of the law. I never made fun of your name though, did I?

I don't need to read the post again, I read it once, that shall suffice for now. To work 30-40 hours in China would be a nonsense, ignoring the spelling, I assume you mean "nonsense"? You get to know the place, by travelling, which costs money, more money than working 14-16 hours can afford. Unless you'd rather take hard seat on a chinese train, but I'd rather fly or use soft sleeper class. As for learning the language, chinesepod, makes it easy to learn on the go, and everyday practice in realtime. Agreed some crap schools won't pay for summer and winter breaks, but most public gigs will.

An extra 5,000 rmb a month is a lot of difference to most people, or maybe you are lucky enough not to need it, if so, good luck to you. But there is nothing wrong with people putting in more hours, just as there is for you travelling...or is there?

Peace out,

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