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White Face - 2011-01-20

I might be one of the white faces you talked to East Coaster. I signed for one semester with Huijia and it was enough for me. Huijia is not the worst place that I ever worked at, but it is certainly in the top 2. As a new teacher with a Master's I could have done better for myself. Both Joy and Amanda are real con-artists. They know how to smooth talk people. I did not bite the hook 100% but I opted instead for a one semester test drive. Thus far at Huijia I have been given bad housing. The food is not terrible but it is close. I can understand why the kiddies all make food runs for Pizza Hut. The school is a run down hole. The only nice aspect of the school is the primary school. That is actually well done. There is no curriculum here. I can confirm that. The teachers here, most of them, are not certified. The falling down drunk thing is 80% accurate as many of the teachers hang out at a place owned by an IB teacher's wife. Many of them drink like fish. I cannot say much about that because other than watching rerun DVD's and walking around at Wal-Mart, drinking is a past time of many here. The taxis here are all illegal, much like many of the teachers so they go hand-in-hand. It is 20 RMB just to get to Wal-Mart and 20 RMB to get most anywhere unless you have a bike here. They had a gym on campus but that was closed down. They have a bowling alley, but it is closed. They have a snack bar but most of what they sell is not worth eating and it is over-priced too. The owner of the school is a real mental case with some kind of a power thing going on. He recently installed high-tech security cameras all over the campus as if he is expecting an assault from Mongolia. In front of his mansion which is dead center in the campus, he has two giant green dragons positioned at the front doors. The security guards, if you can call them that, look and act like dysfunctional Cub Scouts gone bad. The whole black Rambo thing is laughable except it is so pathetic and sad. Many of the FT's here are like little puppets and they stab each other in the back when they get bored. The word snake pit comes to mind as a good overall description of this place. Some other poster on here used the term "shite magnet" which about sums this place up to a T. I am sorry that I signed here, but I am very glad that I only agreed to a semester. I came to China for experience and I am certainly getting that here at Huijia. Unfortunately it is not teaching experience that I am getting, but experience in staying alive and avoiding back stabbing A-holes that kiss butts. I did not get a Master's and rack up student loans to work at a place like this. Anyone with valid teaching credentials would never stay here and I will be gone soon.

Messages In This Thread
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- White Face -- 2011-01-20
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Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- I'm just saying...... -- 2013-01-28
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Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-28
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- I'm just saying...... -- 2013-01-27
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-13
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Riverina -- 2011-01-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- TL -- 2011-01-20
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