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Ex trainee - 2011-01-28

"Alrighty douchebags, this is my final kick at the can, so soak up the brilliance for the last time."

You know, no one is making fun of you or degrading you so why are you calling people douchebags? For an English teacher, you don't seem mature. You said, "everyone else flamed CDI cuz they got the runaround...but I can almost assure you thats cuz they are just bad teachers... as Dale Carnegie said, any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain....and most fools do." Clearly, you call everyone bad teachers and douchebags for no reason which is why you're a fool. I know you're trying to defend CDI but please don't attack people, yeesh.

"You had no experience, but also no clue, ie. incompetent."

Ouch, well I guess that makes everyone else in my training group incompetent since they had no clue either, even the ones with years of teaching experience. Um, you must have skimmed through the posts really quickly because I clearly explained the trainees' expectations. I already said that CDI didn't specify what English level the trainees would be teaching and the assumption was English at an elementary level because that's what the brochure seemed to imply. My recruiter also recommended I get TESOL certified when I asked what I should do to prepare for the job. The certification was suitable to teach students who had no knowledge of English to elementary level but CDI's teaching system was for higher levels. Therefore, when you're saying I had "no clue", you're also saying that my recruiter had no clue either.

"What you raised is not an issue; you are clearly not a fighter, just a complainer."

Actually, it was an issue and probably is still an issue if the contract and recruiting methods haven't changed. A number of former trainees/teachers filed a lawsuit against Chung Dahm for human trafficking. The lawyer representing them took the case pro bono and was sure he could win the case by a landslide because he gathered vital evidence. Heck, Chung Dahm's representing attorney was worried because of the compensation the company might have to pay for every ex trainee/teacher. However, an acquaintance told me that the prosecuting attorney lost and he was shocked and ashamed at how the Korean court had bent the rules for Chung Dahm.
I suppose I could've stayed in Korea to teach (even though my fibromyalgia was flaring up) but unfortunately the preparations I made for the job weren't sufficient as I mentioned before and this made a huge difference in my decision to leave, even though my trainers didn't want to see me go. Even the recruitment manager personally called me to try and convince me to stay but my mind was set. Also, I don't appreciate you telling me that I'm not a fighter. I'd take the hit if I were healthy but you're answer is unacceptable for people with chronic conditions like mine. You try going through a condition that has no cure and inflicts pain, fatigue, stiffness, body weakness, and sleep disorder everyday. My condition isn't even considered severe and I'm fortunate that I can actually do simple things like cook and clean, even light jogging. Other people have cognitive difficulties and I'm lucky that I can even think straight. I could go on and on but this isn't the place for that.

"So to ex trainee...that's why I did well. I knew those things, plus had a couple years experience beforehand. So while i think your complaints are baseless, i can understand feeling a little over your head if that was your first kick at the can."

Thanks for putting your tips out there. They're better than what CDI sent me about culture shock stuff and why I should work for them instead of the other schools. I seriously think you should become a recruitment manager for CDI because they're in need of a makeover for recruitment and you'd do an excellent job.
As I said before, my "complaints" were issues that other former trainees and teachers had. It's not really a problem if only one person has something to say but it does become a full blown problem when many other people have the same issue.

"If you work hard and have at least 1 years experience (or teachers college) there wont be a better place. Otherwise...look elsewhere."

LOL, you know, CDI should put that in their advertisement. What's worse is that it's coming from you, an experienced CDI teacher, not the company. It'd clear a few issues up if they said that. The hard work is a given though. Again, you must have skipped over some lines because I told you that CDI hires people with no experience. If CDI didn't want people without experience, then they'd say go to another school. I must say though, your quote is brilliant and should be something they should use :D

Messages In This Thread
Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Inmate -- 2005-10-22
Re Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Joebuddy -- 2011-01-27
Re Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Former CDI Teacher -- 2010-12-05
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Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- SEOULMAN -- 2009-02-04
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- dodger -- 2007-01-08
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- axeman -- 2008-12-31
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- SEOULMAN -- 2009-02-04
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Aaron Fecht -- 2009-04-14
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Ex trainee -- 2010-11-29
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Elisa Wyszkowski -- 2011-01-14
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Ex trainee -- 2011-01-29
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- xman -- 2009-05-31
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Aaron Fecht -- 2011-01-25
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Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-03-08
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Ex trainee -- 2011-01-28
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Aaron Fecht -- 2011-02-09
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- JavaJava -- 2011-01-30
Re: Chungdahm Institute, Seoul - ESL school review -- Rick -- 2011-01-30
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