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Bullring - 2011-01-28
In response to Beijing Huijia Private School (Thomas)

You have raised a fair point here. I would say there is nothing in the way of such laws in China. When you have hotels with signs saying Uighurs can't stay there, Uighurs being refused access to government positions and so on, why do you think they all sell yang rou chuan, and run restaurants? There are a lot of similarities with apartheid in South Africa and present day China. Of course the Han Chinese I met all say Uighurs get more rights than them, but do they really? Racism against minorities in the PRC makes what Mussolini did in Italy pale by comparison IMHO...

As for not hiring Jews, how would they know who is a Jew and who isn't? Most Jews look white, just the same as your average westerner, are they going to resort to nazi style tactics of measuring head width, judging people by the length of their nose, or only drinking and eating kosher food?

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Re: Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-10-31
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Beth -- 2011-01-20
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- just some guy -- 2011-01-20
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Bullring -- 2011-01-28
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Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Mancunian -- 2013-02-02
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