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I Prefer To Remain Unknown - 2011-01-29

I am saudi national and i am 17 years old .. and sadly all of what u wrote is very incorrect and biased. You have no right to approach the matter you are facing in that form. You are and educator and your additude towards the children needs to stay positive no matter what. If you dont like what is going on stand up and do something about it. Bad mouthing and stero-typing wont change anything :) !! You claim these children are from rich families and wont have to work a day in their lives. Well wake up !! how do u think their fathers got to that point. They had to WORK therefore to carry on with the buisness they own or work for their children have to work aswell. Maybe if u tried being NICE , POSITIVE, and not bring politics into your job and focus on the beauty of teaching and learning maybe things will change.
I wish you luck.
Stay positive and stop hating, because that just offends people and starts fights. You are an adult you should know that :)

Messages In This Thread
AL kHOBAR BAYAN GARDENS BOYS SCHOOL - ESL school review -- steven henry -- 2005-12-01
Re AL kHOBAR BAYAN GARDENS BOYS SCHOOL - ESL school review -- I Prefer To Remain Unknown -- 2011-01-29
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