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Pelicano - 2011-01-30

Most Chinese students do not have the maturity or intellect to guage whether or not an FT's teaching style and methodology is effective or not.

Your assessment is spot on in this respect. So. as an FT you should focus on entertaining your charges so that they like you. Then they will tick all the right boxes for you on the assessment forms your employer makes them complete in his wisdom (or more appropriately, lack of it). In particular, cultivate especially good relationships with the monitor and study student of each class. Also, never be unkind to any of your students. Then you'll sail through your probation with flying colors. Oh, and pass everyone in their class tests and exams. Flatter your students, too. That works wonders. Teaching style and methodology - they're a lot of crap, who cares? Certainly not me. Entertain them, and be happy while making them happy, get your priorities right.

Messages In This Thread
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- kevin -- 2011-01-29
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-01-29
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Bullring -- 2011-01-30
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-01-30
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Bullring -- 2011-01-30
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-01-30
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Bullring -- 2011-01-31
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Pelicano -- 2011-01-30
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-01-30
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Bullring -- 2011-01-30
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-04
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-01-30
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Bullring -- 2011-01-31
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-01-31
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Bullring -- 2011-02-01
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-02-02
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