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HJ sucked because the arobic exercises were bull - 2011-01-30

I graduated, no, i finished my sentencing at Huijia Prison a few years back from the IB program.
And before i say anything else i just want to say how great this thread is!!!
I always asked myself how the FT's that taught us could possibly bare the wrath of HJ.
Now i know, they couldn't.
Yes, the staff are con artists. (i dont know who Amanda and Joy are, but they sound like bitches)
Yes the students are rich good-for-nothing idiots who couldn't get into better schools.
Yes the parents who send their kids to HJ could care less about their children.
And yes, the food tastes like shit.
But despite all this, there are students who care about their future, and those students truly do appreciate the teachers who are there trying to make a difference.
There were quite a few FT's who've made an impression on me and helped me realize my potential, despite the circumstances.
It's safe to say that i really didn't learn much during my time at HJ, except for the times when i had one on one time with well qualified FTs.
So on behalf of all the truly caring students of HJ's past, present, and future, i just want to thank the teachers who tried to teach us and overlook the fact that their situation is hopeless.
Lastly, if some of you somehow end up at HJ, just keep your eyes peeled for the students that aren't looking at their laptops but at you.
And if you think that all hope is lost, try to befriend a couple rich kids! Who knows, they'll probably pick up your tab when you end up in the same club on the weekend.

Concerning the anti-semitic and racism thing, i doubt there's anyway to fight it. It is China after all, and HJ does operate under some form of party influence. Furthermore, HJ doesn't play by the rules. They make students sign clauses prior to enrollment that violate basic human rights. More so, a friend of mine got outright beat down by a group of other students, and although HJ promised expulsion of the instigators, nothing was done and my friend left soon after.

If you guys don't mind me asking, how much did FT's make at HJ?
Just wanna see if it was in proportion to the tuition we were paying.

Messages In This Thread
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- HJ sucked because the arobic exercises were bull -- 2011-01-30
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Liz -- 2011-01-31
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-30
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-25
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-20
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-18
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-15
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-06
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-07
Beijing Huijia -- The Professor -- 2012-10-30
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-10-28
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