View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: York School of Foreign Languages - the best "school" in China???????
Kevin - 2011-02-04


Because private education providers will always give business matters priority over issues of
quality education; both things simply do not match"

You make this statement yet give absolutely no evidence to support it.
By improving the quality of the classes they are able to gain more students which means more money. The parents are becoming educated consumers and are realizing which fly by night schools offer crap and which don't. You want crappy training schools to close down and they will but not by your harrassing the teachers that work there.They will close down when the parents see they are not getting what they are paying for.
I am in the business and will continue to offer quality teaching and if the place I work at does not agree then I will go to one that does. As I have in the past. I refuse to be a foreign monkey merely there to entertain the children and i believe all foreign teachers should do that. I have personally seen changes within the schools here that show a positive growth in the right direction. You most likely will not believe this and really there is nothing at all i can do to change your mind but I would suggest instead of being part of the problem be part of the solution.
A training school cannot operate if they have no teachers, which gives the power to the teachers and allows them to decide what kind of classes they will work in. As long as they realize the supply of foreign teachers does not meet the demand teachers can dictate what does happen. That is a fact
Messages In This Thread
Re: York School of Foreign Languages - the best "school" in China??????? -- Kevin -- 2011-02-04
Yorkshire York or New York -- Tom -- 2011-02-04
Re Yorkshire York or New York -- bullring -- 2011-02-11
Re Yorkshire York or New York -- Kevin -- 2011-02-04
Re Yorkshire York or New York -- Tom -- 2011-02-05
Re Yorkshire York or New York -- Kevin -- 2011-02-05
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: York School of Foreign Languages - the best "school" in China???????

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