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Kevin - 2011-02-08

Take for example the thousands of expat teachers who never got their
full salary, or were asked to do overtime without pay involuntarily, or never given
their holiday pay or their end of contract bonus. Think about the excuses that so many
school made up to exploit them

I would never say anything negative about those people , they got the shitty end of the stick and had a bad experience here. I would say to them that if they are going to continue working in China to not let those things happen. If anyone is going to come here they should have an exit strategy in place so that if they have problems they can sort themselves out without relying on the school. The first time there was any problem with the salary LEAVE, very simple. Asked to do unpaid overtime say NO, again very simple. No holiday pay or end of contract bonus, come on this site with specifics about what happened and warn others not to go there, again simple. It does suck to have it happen, I have firsthand experience of a university trying to do that to me but I refused to be a victim and left. I did not run away from the country and bitterly cast dispersion on all universities and training schools though.
Now your example of the sociopath DOS raises an interesting point.
So if the DOS is gone and is replaced by someone who makes every effort to improve the lives of the teachers and students we should still focus on the fact that the previous DOS was horrible? There is absolutely nothing the new DOS can do because his predecessor was so bad? The teachers that had such a negative experience with that past DOS should carry that over to the new DOS? No wonder you do not believe in change if that is your general opinion. Thankfully there are those that do not think or behave like you for if there were we would still be in the dark ages. What if one of those said teachers with the negative experience steps up into the role of DOS and does everything opposite of what the bad DOS did? Would that not be a positive change?
I would love to listen to logic on this post, unfortunately you and your ilk have said nothing logical to listen to. Talk about ego, come on now you are hoping people will listen to someone like you who does not even live in the country, has done nothing to change the situation and says nothing of substance. It must fill your heart with joy thinking you are actually contributing when really you are just blowing hot air.
I seriously doubt you would be able to be the manger of Human resources with your negative attitude and your lack of understanding of how things change. Dinosaurs like you that see the world as it was ten years ago are obsolete and useless.
Leave the game to younger men that are actually willing to do things. I understand that you are powerless to affect any change and that you coming on here is a feeble attempt to give your life meaning.
Messages In This Thread
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-04
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-04
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-05
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-06
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-06
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-06
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-06
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-06
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Whistleblower -- 2011-02-09
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-09
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Whistleblower -- 2011-02-10
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-06
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-06
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-10
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-09
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- TC Hater -- 2011-02-09
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Bullring -- 2011-02-08
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-07
Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-08
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