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Starsky - 2011-02-08

I think Web must have a lot of snitches; perhaps it's part of the job description or a way to gain the fast-track to a BS 'promotion.' We too have a gossip and rumor-monger in the Jiangsu branch of Web I work for who runs-off crying to management on the out-of-office activities of other foreign teachers. And management loves this guy!

Messages In This Thread
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- Barakah -- 2008-01-24
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-09
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- Bavariabier -- 2011-03-09
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- Starsky -- 2011-02-08
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- englishgibson -- 2011-02-09
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- Frosties -- 2010-12-25
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- Big Ed -- 2010-06-15
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- The Owl -- 2010-06-15
Re: Web International Suzhou, China - ESL school review -- AmazedinChina -- 2010-02-01
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