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Tom - 2011-02-09

"I have never allowed a student in my class to use a cell phone or sleep in my class, that is not only disruptive but rude as well. I have had more problems while in universities with that rule than I have ever had while working in a training school".

I'm hard pressed to decide what a training school is. The implication of using the word "train" seems to indicate that they will coach you in English for a particular reason. It's not all clear cut though is it? These so-called Centres and schools seem to have more than one string to their bows-The same outfits which have centres of learning (anything from one classroom) will often have contracts with state-owned middle schools and sometimes universities to supply FT's-they then get catapulted into being agencies, surely?

You seem to be lucky with your training school but what goes on in the classroom is just a small part of what makes up a good job for an FT.

What do you train your students to do? What do you school your students to do? Is 'to train' different from 'to school'? Do they never school in a Centre and can you call a Centre a school? All a bloody mystery to me but then save for a few weeks doing a TEFL I have never trained as a teacher, or, been schooled as a teacher-Yet can i call my TEFL Centre a school, if not why not? It looked like a school to me, they had classrooms-or am I just thick?

You are spot on, students should behave; however, I don't mind them sleeping, enfin pour moi.

Messages In This Thread
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-06
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-09
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-09
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Moramba -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Deborah Thistlethwaite -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Deborah Thistlethwaite -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Ex-teacher -- 2011-05-17
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- D BAG -- 2011-05-17
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-13
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- BULLRING -- 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bridehide -- 2011-02-10
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