View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!!
Kevin - 2011-02-09

Every time you claim that you could care less what my opinion is then respond to my opinions shows you obviously do not even believe in what you are saying. If you truly did not care what I say, then you would not be continuously spouting off yet here you are going on and on trying to convince me what you have to say is worthwhile.
I do agree that schools run by potato farmers should be avoided unless the man has a genuine interest in providing quality education. Your generaliztions and attitude suggest no one is able to bring about any positive changes in the world unlwss they have the educational background gained from yeas in the ivory towers of acadameia. This just shows how arrogant you really are and thankfully you are not in this country so we that are actually here do not have to put up with your blather.
Privately run schools can and do combine both educational standards and money and to deny that is just ridiculous. If you have a hate on for money that is your business but do not claim that is the reality for the whole world. Some one who knows nothing about the schools here in China cannot give their opinions just as much as some one knowing nothing about schools in Kenya could not. Stick to what you know not what you think please because obviously what you think is just plainly silly.
You claim you want the necessary changes to come about yet you do nothing except attack those that come on here defending what they believe is a worthwhile venture. Myself and others on this thread have given multiple reasons why York is not a crappy training school yet you refuse to admit that not all training schools are crap. Bitter old men like you have dug into your position and will never change your minds because you are incapable of change. If you were then you might concede that things are different from when you were here a long time ago.
You are more than welcome to abuse me and make your ridiculous claims because each time you do you show to the world how truly ignorant you are. Call me names, question my qualifications, point out all the grammatical errors and even suggest my sexual experience all you want. Your ridiculous statements and attempt at character assassination show that you have nothing of worth to say about a subject you really know nothing about.

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Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-09
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