Dragonized - 2011-02-10
In response to TURNOI (John)

Believe me John, we (I am confident I speak for Turnoi as well) would be the happiest campers in the world if we actually didn't have anything to complain about. Complaining brings out negative energy and makes our moods go down. But the reality in the world is if you don't even try to speak out and just let things go the way they have then you are just as guilty for doing nothing, especially when you have worked in that environment. I encourage you to look back at older posts and read the abusive language thrown at people like us who criticize things.

Messages In This Thread
TURNOI -- John -- 2011-02-09
Re TURNOI -- englishgibson -- 2011-02-10
Re TURNOI -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-10
Re TURNOI -- Whistleblower -- 2011-02-10

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