View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!!
Kevin - 2011-02-11

"I am its self-appointed

It is obvious someone is suffering from delusions of grandeur.
Your confidence is is unfounded and illogical for most students would never visit a site like this. If my grammatical errors are the only thing you can really focus on then obviously you do not understand there is a lot more to English than just the grammar. I can understand when a non native speaker wants to elevate themselves they will focus on the grammar because those rules are often easy to spot when a native speaker does not conform to them.
Whoever convinced you that coming on to this site would bring about the downfall of the training centres in China must have sold you a few skyhooks as well.
You still have not given one concrete example of why York is a crappy school.
The only reason I can guess is that you do not have any, stop with the generalizations if you are gonna come here and spew your opinionated crap.
I probably would not want you as one of my students. Most likely you would be the type of student who would try to prove your English is better than mine by pointing out my errors. Forget about the fact that your pronunciation sucks, you are not able to form a sentence without long pauses and when you do actually say something it comes out as a garbled mess.

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Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-11
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