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Kevin - 2011-02-12

You seem to be spending an awful lot of time here on this responding to someone whose opinion you say you could not care less about. What has changed? If you really did not care about my opinion you would not need to so carefully correct me. What happened to you not wasting any more time on this thread? Seems like you really do not know what you are going to say next.
I can understand your paranoid and mistrustful ideas pertaining to training centres and the people that defend them. I can only imagine how difficult it is to shuck of the memories of the cold war era and how trusting someone could get you killed. It is a new day though and really what benefit would I gain from misleading you? You and others have vocalized how much you hate training centres as well as admitting you will never ever listen to someone who defends them. I respond to your posts not to try and convince you that you are wrong in this case but to show others reading this thread that in reality you know nothing about York. your cries of crappity crap crap have no direct bearing on this school and I might suggest other schools that have aroused your anger.

I am gonna help you on this one, now I want you to realize that this is not a classroom. get it through your thick skull that this is an informal meeting place for teachers interested in teaching ESL. Again I repeat we are not in a classroom, in a classroom we will speak and behave differently then we will while writing on this post. I understand you are a non native speaker and are very proud of your achievements whatever you may claim them to be but remember this is not a classroom. Once more this is not a classroom, what you read on this post is not a direct reflection of the classroom. YA got it? NOT A CLASSROOM
If my grammatical errors offend you I would suggest you go somewhere where the main point is to have grammatical excellence and not a place to share experiences. NOT A CLASSROOM
You have no idea what my educational background is as I have no idea what yours is. Unlike you though I do not believe that my identity and ability are linked solely to how much time I spent in school. I imagine that your students although their grammar is great would be unable to speak English without garbling their words, pause for inordinate amounts of time to think of what they would like to say or just throw out a series of unrelated words and ideas. I guess though it really does not matter seeing as how you do not care what I think.
If you were right about York being Crap why has no one come forward with anecdotal evidence to support your claims?

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Re Grovelling Weasels' Fast Food - I don't like that dish...terrible!!!! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-12
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