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Dragonized - 2011-02-13

When the York School thread was started over half a month ago a person named "Claudius Mcduff" went on the boards and criticized the school for shafting him as well as many other teachers. Some person named "Pink House Panda" as well as other people like "Brad" who claimed to work at the school promptly went on this site and dismissed him as being arrogant and not appreciating the "real" situation at the school. This was when me, Turnoi, and Silverboy jumped in and told these people what frauds they were for stating what they had stated. There was no real proof as to why Claudius should be dismissed as lying, since the detractor couldn't really bring out any real explanations of when, where, why, and how the conflicts started. They just continued assassinating the person's character, so obviously they were going to get egg on their face.

Enter "Kevin".

This boy has been whining and complaining about us not giving the private education sector a chance. He claims to have dealt with or heard of these bad experiences of teachers himself. Yet he will continue to stand by his belief that those of us who criticize these pretend schools are not making any efforts to make china a better place. He is suggesting we are too lazy, ignorant, stupid, or too uninformed to make any statements about the private education sector.

Then he reveals himself as to not even working for this York school.

So basically what he has done is LOSE ALL CREDIBILITY. What was he trying to get at in the first place? He put himself on the side of York only to come out with an escape plan of never being affiliated with them. What should we call him? A grovelling weasel? A corporate lackey? These names should only be given to people who work at these places. Apparently he was persuaded to fight for York's cause for reasons still yet unknown, although money could certainly be a reason.

What do you call someone who is low enough to support something he doesn't even know anything about?!?! We have been giving him way too much credit all this time for even acknowledging his points as being legitimate, when they are ANYTHING BUT. York helped persude this fellow to fight for their cause by pretending to be an experienced teacher who is making the world a better place by working in the Crappy ESL World of China.

What do we call you Kevin? [edited]

Messages In This Thread
How desperate must schools like York be getting?!?! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-13
Re How desperate must schools like York be getting?!?! -- Kevin -- 2011-02-13
Re How desperate must schools like York be getting?!?! -- Dragonized -- 2011-04-18
Re How desperate must schools like York be getting?!?! -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-13
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