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BULLRING - 2011-02-14


What are you rattling on about now TL/bULLRING? What do single high speed lines have to do with the price of fish? This thread is concerned with York School of Foreign Languages and crappy training centres. Just occasionally the nature of the beast demands you make some measured remark like----'York school is crap and you have no proof it's otherwise' or 'all you detractors are full of hot air and unless you can offer any proof get ye gorn from the latrine'

Tell you what, Mate, Kevin (he has a British/Scottish name Mac something, maybe he's your relative) has just sent in his latest post, nice and long, so let's set you a test of answering him. Please don't use any other nom de plume, it's confusing. Don't take advantage of me referring to you as a Scot to avoid answering me, I could be wrong about that. YORK SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES--AWAY YOU GO-

I'll reply to this posting because it is quite a long one, and you obviously went to some trouble to write it, but you will have to forgive me if I don't respond in kind further, starting a new job in Germany a couple of days from now and I need to get packed, take care of my herb garden, say goodbyes and stuff like that before I leave, granted, it's not a beach holiday in Thailand, and my herb garden and writing isn't as exciting as you painting your house and getting your Z visa before you left, but each to their own eh? If not, and I feel I will brag here a little, I will at least enjoy the apartment & transport allowance and being paid in Euros as opposed to worthless outside of China 'Mickey Mao' money:=)

As for the part of Britain I am from I thought I have a good enough clue...the moors murders, saddleworth moor, can't really get any closer to the bone than for Kevin I didn't know he was scottish, but I am on your side in that I do NOT agree with him defending crappy TC's, I detest all those for York it sounds a living hell, to be avoided, and the using a scot argument is a cheap shot at me, but I will let it last name is Milne, so make of that what you will...

Happy valentines day Tom whether solo or coupled up:)

Messages In This Thread
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-06
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-07
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-08
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-09
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-09
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Moramba -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Deborah Thistlethwaite -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Deborah Thistlethwaite -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bullring -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-10
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Ex-teacher -- 2011-05-17
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- D BAG -- 2011-05-17
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Kevin -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-11
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-13
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- BULLRING -- 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Tom -- 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-14
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- bullring -- 2011-02-12
Re: York School of Foreign Languages/ Fuzhou -- Bridehide -- 2011-02-10
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