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Lipstick - 2011-02-18

I read with great curiosity the defense of the Beijing fly trap, roach trap, or whatever you want to call it. Anytime someone uses a handle such as THEKING they must see themselves as some higher power, Elvis, or as is most likely the case, they are being paid to log online and run to the defense of a sinking ship. It is interesting and sad that the poster somehow dismissed or pardoned the apparent fact that someone in the school's chain of leadership ran off to Thailand with the payroll. How many times have foreigners seen that kind of behavior in Asia? I do hope sincerely that there is an ample gathering at his/her welcoming party upon their return.

I have personally worked at Huijia although not recently, and I can clearly tell you point blank that it is in my own humble opinion the absolute worst school that I ever worked for. I was not an ESL teacher when I worked there. I was and still am a licensed subjects teacher. I am licensed in the USA. I recently completed a DELTA and I am considering some work in the ESL field and even if I don't enter the ESL market, I have the DELTA in my back pocket for a rainy day. I just stumbled onto these Huijia postings and as one writer said they were thankful that people were talking about the school because it saved them from ending up there. I wished I would have known about this Web site a few years ago.

As a direct result of my employment at the Beijing Huijia Private School I have been refused two positions in Beijing at two international schools. I even have that in writing on official school paper from one international school. Working for the Beijing Huijia Private School has cost me a lot of money in China because after working there, some other international schools will not hire you. There is such a bad stigma associated with that school that once you are branded with the Huijia mark of the beast in China, at least in Beijing, your career is going to slide based on their bad reputation. The statement that was made to me in writing and verbally is that many schools just won't take the risk of hiring someone that has been trained, programed, or otherwise associated with the Beijing Huijia Private School. Looking past the fact that I have a valid teaching license from the states, a B.Ed, and a Master's in Library Sciences, 9-years as a licensed teacher in American public schools before coming to China, good references from the USA, and three good references in China, did nothing for me with the Beijing Huijia Private School's 666 painted on my head.

Messages In This Thread
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- Arnold -- 2011-02-17
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- THEKING -- 2011-02-17
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- Arnold -- 2011-02-18
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- Lipstick -- 2011-02-18
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- Ice Ice Bebe -- 2011-02-23
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- Tom -- 2011-02-24
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- Lip Stick -- 2011-02-24
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- pleb -- 2011-02-18
Re SCAM Beijing Huijia Private School BAD -- bullring -- 2011-02-17
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