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Unhappy Camper - 2011-02-21
In response to Beijing Huijia Private School (Just a Teacher)

I work here now. You have been here almost 7-years? I know who you are. You teach the 12th grade in the IB school and you also own or co-own the unlicensed school off campus teaching Chinese near the Village Bar. I am certain that must be a material breach of your contract since the Huijia employment contract clearly prohibits you working at any other jobs elsewhere. Your support of Amanda and Joy is extremely questionable as they have lied to me repeatedly on many issues and I know for certain that I am not the only one here. I will not keep working here because this company is a business and not a school. A school can be a business if it is done ethically which Huijia knows nothing about as they are morally bankrupt. You made mention of a former teacher lying on a resume. You need to stand corrected on that. They let go of two teachers, not one, over in the middle school. Both of them were state licensed. One of them was let go only 4-days before his probation period would have concluded. Everyone was shocked. Diane has been there for 11 or 12-years now and for someone that has been a Huijia for nearly 7-years I cannot understand how you can not know her. She is a director over in the middle school, although quite a bad one as talk goes. The teacher that was let go was licensed in Virginia or West Virginia and he had 2 Bachelors and 1 Masters as far as I know. He taught geography and he taught it well by many accounts. By all accounts he was a good teacher and people liked him. Huijia screwed him badly. Diane fired him via Amanda. That was a double team effort to end a good foreign teacher's work because his co-worker, a Chinese teacher, was jealous of him. The other teacher was a vice director with a wife and a baby. He also taught sciences over in the middle school. I talked to his Chinese co-teacher and she was unhappy that they fired him. They fired him for supposedly presenting a fake degree, lying on a resume, and some other nonsense. There is a problem with that story as well. The first of which is I saw the man's teaching license because he was was talking about having one and when I asked to see it he showed it to me one afternon when I was at his dorm room. I myself am not licensed so I was curious to see what teacher licenses from the USA look like. I also saw a letter he showed me that pertained to the renewal of his teaching license with the stamps from the USA, post mark, etc. He had been talking about the need to renew his teaching credential and explained to me how his state handled that process. He also logged onto a government Web site for E government in his own state and showed me his teaching license confirmation and the date of issue, the date of expiration, and the fees for renewal and the amount of continuing education units he had already done for his license. Also on that same site which was a password access system I could see that his degrees were listed there by his state. I would wager to say that state boards of education in the USA verify degrees before issuing teaching credentials.

I also saw his file of certified transcripts and his degrees. His alleged fake degree was notarized several times by many agencies to include the Korean Consulate, the Chinese Consulate, and it had been affixed to an apostle from the US State Department as I recall because the Korean government required that. I saw the certified copies of his degrees personally. I have subsequently seen some photos of him and his wife and family as well as photos of him at his college graduation holding his degree with other people near him holding their degrees from the same college. Amanda's stories carry no truth just like most of Amanda's many other rubbish comments. I know that he has since filed a lawsuit on Huijia and that the matter is going to be in court sometime in March this year in the Changping District Court because not only did they fire the man, but they also refused to pay him any wages at all. I also know that he is bringing in some people from the USA from his college for the court appearance because I have subsequently talked to the man on Skype. He retained a big law firm in Beijing to represent him in the matter.

Unlike the other teacher that was left with no where to go and without any time to find a new job at the time, the other American owned a home near Beijing so he was OK. He packed his apartment up and shrugged it off. I don't know what happened to the guy from one of the Virginia states but the other American was instantly hired at a large college and he is in an upper management role there. Since you support Amanda and Joy and believe they are so wonderful one must wonder what kind of a job they actually do here since the vice director worked at Huijia for about 3-months before he was fired for his alleged fake degree. I have also seen at least 2 emails that Amanda wrote the former vice director threatening to have him arrested for illegally working in China etc., because he forwarded them to me. In one of her insane emails she ranted and raved like a psychotic that she would call the Public Security Bureau in several cities in China. If Amanda were doing her job how come she did not process a proper working permit for the man in some 3-months time? I am no expert but I am betting Huijia pays some stiff penalties for not getting the man's documents in order. He either had or was in process of getting his D visa and his green card but even with that he needed a work permit or an FEC. I don't know what that all entailed exactly. I think that he now has a green card if I understood him correctly. I don't work in the middle school but I know that the man was dealing with many problems there such as many students bringing in dangerous weapons and he made solid progress on several fronts and slowly but surely he appeared to be turning that middle school around and the students were slowly waking up to education and responsibility. That is a far cry from where the middle school was before he arrived there from what I have been told by the Chinese. Even the Chinese staff commented that he was getting real results. The teacher from Virginia or West Virginia was told by Amanda that he would be earning more than 20,000 RMB for teaching at Huijia or so I am told, and after he got to the school they cut his salary down to something above 15,000 after he already quit his other job based on Amanda's promises. Working here at Huijia has not been a pleasant experience for me at all and I know other teachers here, a few that are licensed and many that are not, and very few have anything nice to say about this business.

Call me a coward but I won't post my name or department here due to my concern for being fired or suffering from some trumped up charges like taking group sex photos with crocs. With Amanda around she and her friends can cook up most any story they want to get rid of people that don't cater to their flavor of school politics.

Unhappy Camper

Messages In This Thread
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- R D -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-22
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- digusgted! -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-21
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- ExCon -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- p_for_pancetta -- 2011-02-26
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Brat pack -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Crappy Huijia -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-22
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- jsky -- 2011-02-22
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-22
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- nomadic warrior -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Teacher -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-20
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