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Unhappy Camper - 2011-02-22
In response to Re Beijing Huijia Private School (Just a Teacher)

Blah, blah, blah. More excuses, more feel good propaganda to justify the activities of a crap school. I don't care what the arrangement is here with the little communist hole in the wall next to the stinking communist public toilets. It is more crap. Huijia is crap. Their rules and their games are crap and they treat people like crap. So some teacher wants to help people and make sure that all of the little communist puppets can speak Chinese. Good for him. I have seen this crap hole screw many teachers for no reason. I have seem Huijia management lie, create gossip, and deliberately and maliciously target people. The last card on the table for Huijia is money and it always comes down to money even if it is illegally generated revenue or at minimal was earned based on highly questionable practices. I have personally seen in-take workers lie to Chinese parents. I have personally seen them alter their admission standards for cash. I have been personally told that all students here must pass no matter what. I have seen Huijia try and threaten teachers, harass them, coerce them, control them, or make promises that they cannot keep. Huijia is no different than any ESL mill in China in that regard. The policy here is whatever makes money. The ethical guidelines here are simple and clear. I can sum it up in 3 words. Don't get caught. This time Huijia did get caught and this time someone is taking them to task and this time they are going to be nailed to the wall. If more teachers here were not so fearful of their little comfy teacher jobs and the fake environment that Huijia erected to keep the little communist puppets entertained and held at bay for fear of a canceled Z visa by the likes of Amanda or Joy or anyone in that office of doom and gloom, Huijia would have been dead and buried years ago. If you work here just squint, ignore truth, play dumb, don't ask any questions, accept lies, and don't rock the boat here and you'll enjoy Huijia like the very few ass kissers that have managed to work here for a few years for the supposed sake of their students. The rest of us here are smarter than that and we shall leave. Others were given a gift and they were fired and they were freed from the oppressive regime that this crap business is and will always be as long as people keep bending over to take the Huijia weenie in the mouth or in the behind.

Unhappy Camper soon to be very happy but not here. How do you like your weenies?

Messages In This Thread
Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-05
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- R D -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-22
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- p_for_pancetta -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- ExCon -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- p_for_pancetta -- 2011-02-26
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Crappy Huijia -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-22
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- jsky -- 2011-02-22
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-22
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- nomadic warrior -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Teacher -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-20
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