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p_for_pancetta - 2011-02-25
In response to Re Beijing Huijia Private School (Unhappy Camper)

The hyperbole used on this site to describe huijia's problems is probably the most ridiculous thing I have ever read in my entire life; possibly the most ridiculous thing ever typed onto the internets.

Huijia does have its problems (JAT described them reasonably well in his post) and I do believe that the school should be held accountable for them. Much of what has been written so far on this site, however, is off the mark and clearly (mostly) the work of a former teacher who was fired at the end of last semester. I didn't work in his department nor did I really even talk to the guy, so I can't comment on the various reasons being bandied about why he was let go.

His attacks on his former colleagues, however, are despicable. A vendetta against the school is fine, and if what he says about the situation is true, even understandable. He emailed teachers about to come to huijia for the second semester and warned a few of them off. Hell, he even somehow replaced the hui jia web page with a racist blog / rant about the school. Calling the FA office a bunch of lesbians? fairly childish and homophobic, but then again, this is the internet.

However, leave us out of your twisted agenda. I get that you want to hurt the school, but there's got to be a better way. Lawsuit? fair enough. Libeling former coworkers on the internet? kind of petty.

Also, if you're the one posing as a high school girl on the internet (hello kitty) .... well, that's kind of disturbing, and you should probably stop.

Messages In This Thread
Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-05
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Pissed -- 2011-07-01
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Ice Ice Bebe -- 2011-02-23
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Insane Clown Posse -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Backwater Backpacker -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- R D -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-22
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- digusgted! -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- p_for_pancetta -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- ExCon -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- p_for_pancetta -- 2011-02-26
Failed Schools -- Fair Maiden In Distress -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Brat pack -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Crappy Huijia -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-22
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- jsky -- 2011-02-22
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-22
Beijing Huijia Private School Croc Food -- Croc Feeder -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Ela -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- nomadic warrior -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Teacher -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-20
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