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Unhappy Camper - 2011-02-25
In response to Re Beijing Huijia Private School (p_for_pancetta)

"I didn't work in his department nor did I really even talk to the guy, so I can't comment..." Exactly! So why comment? Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about anyway. This poster never talked to the guy, did not know him and then decided that the guy is attacking teachers while a poster called the king ripped the guy apart and nothing was said about that. Strangely enough the king also said no one knew the guy. I don't know your American President but I am sure he is an horses tail. I have never traveled to the USA but I am most certain that it is a low-level nation. I never ate radishes but I am certain I would never like them. That is truly fascinating. I know a few people that knew the guy and his wife, myself included. I also noticed that the king totally left out any discussion about the other American that was short stacked for no apparent reason whatsoever. When Huijia decides that they want to save money they find ways to terminate people. If they don't want to pay wages, or if they think that some one else will do the job cheaper they'll change horses in the middle of a race. That is why they fired the other American who was also a licensed and degree holding teacher. Their leaked story was that the teacher did not get along with his Chinese co-worker. Whatever. That's just more Huijia lies. Is there anyone here that can refute that? Can anyone here give a reason why they fired the geography teacher a few days before the end of his probation? No of course not.

I work here now and I will work here until my contract ends. The school is a bad place to work. I am all too pleased to report that and to stand by my comment. Anyone that disagrees with me is ignorant or fearful of losing their job here. It is really odd that the guy used a supposedly bad degree as per the king, and yet he was hired by a college in Shanghai in a senior management role in administration by the same school that he supposedly never attended as per the king. Although there is a a delay in the plans as the guy has been in the hospital for the past 12-days. So much for the posting conspiracy of a disgruntled teacher. If you took the time to know the guy you would also know that he was dealing with cancer. To take it a step further the king also said that the guy has a Ph.D. from Harvard. In fact the guy has a Ph.D. but he never said that was issued from Harvard. His Masters in Education is from Harvard. I saw his degree and his teacher license. Unlike you I knew the guy when he worked here so I can comment. I also work here and so I can comment about how bad this school is and how sad it is that people with an obvious plan of protecting their own jobs will stoop so low in order to protect their keepers. Cunning linguist made a good point on here somewhere about how hostages end up liking their captors. That was a crystal clear and spot on statement about the situation here at this school. This place is built like, operates like, and treats people like a prison scene at the cinema. A song comes to mind here. Midnight Special. This school is a place where no one knows anyone but comments anyway if it serves their own best interests while also making completely unsubstantiated comments about things they know nothing about. This school also employs psychics and dime store shrinks to boot.

Anytime people huddle around a bad school and try to protect it from the blatant failure that it is should bring pause to anyone considering working here.

Messages In This Thread
Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-20
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- R D -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-22
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- p_for_pancetta -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- ExCon -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- p_for_pancetta -- 2011-02-26
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Unhappy Camper -- 2011-02-22
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Just a Teacher -- 2011-02-22
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- nomadic warrior -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Teacher -- 2011-02-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-20
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