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Tom - 2011-03-11

Without digressing, with regard to China, I clearly wasn't saying that all Chinese education or recruitment companies were corrupt, if you read my previous posts on Expertise I was saying they are not corrupt, so clearly I wasn't saying they all were.

I don't know, I don't feel we should cherry-pick when it comes to deciding what's part of a countries culture. I have this curious notion that most Chinese educational establishments and recruitment agents have enough corruption within for us to say this bad behaviour is part of their culture. It might well be part of other countries culture as well- American culture is shared to a large extent with English culture or British culture.

Tell you one thing that is definitely part of Chinese culture, flobbing (spitting) all over the shop. I had a brief liaison with a 'Yangtze River Female' who liked nothing better than starting her day flobbing over the flower bed. I told her to sling her hook after a week-I don't feel I was being racist but in theory I spose I could have been...if that's her culture.

I don't care what working man's noodle bar you frequent, there's always a local who will position himself in the corner in order to spit on the floor= but you could say that's good manners culture cos he's respecting all the other customers enough to keep all the snot contained in one corner.

Messages In This Thread
Re Expertise Education Company LTD, Beijing, Nanjing -- Sinologist -- 2011-03-11
Re Expertise Education Company LTD, Beijing, Nanjing -- Tom -- 2011-03-11
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