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Tom - 2011-03-25
In response to Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy (FT in china)

"This kind of a school is racist and they know why they need a fillipino teacher(5000rmb for 40hrs for fillipinos,30hrs for blacks and 18hrs for an illitrate white .Private schools in China don't care about your education.They just need but a white face.They just do but show bussiness.In the end they will always be a loser because an illitrate teacher can not handle students for a long time and the parents want something good for their children

Come on! In USA,UK and other countries there are many teachers from all over the world with different skin colour.

It's really funny to find someone with no education in a classroom in [edited] private school in China teaching just because his or her face is white Ivy,you must be [edited].I think you should travel to see the world. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH....come on!!!!"

It's a tad difficult to know what you're on about. I think you are saying that you're a Filipino teacher and you're not to happy about something. One thing is for sure, your English is mite self-defeating.

Are you a different person than the IVY you replied to? Or was it the IVY that replied to you? Is this an early April 1st joke?

Messages In This Thread
SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- FT in china -- 2011-03-24
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- wills -- 2011-04-06
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- SARAH -- 2011-04-09
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- MARK -- 2011-04-10
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- JNET -- 2011-04-13
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- mark -- 2011-04-14
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Jerry -- 2011-05-02
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- MIKE -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- FT in china -- 2011-03-24
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- sally -- 2011-03-30
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- ivy -- 2011-03-31
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Bavarian bier -- 2011-03-26
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-26
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- bhay -- 2011-03-24
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