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Tom - 2011-03-25
In response to Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy (Kanadian)

"that's right... the whiter your face the faster you get the job.. My student on campus told me last year the Philippino was not given another contract based on this white face thing.. sad but true"

I can understand a Chinese employer preferring to employ a native born English speaker, rather than a Filipino, a Russian, a Dane. As good as second language English speakers can get, and I know Filipinos can be good they do not know English as well as native born speakers.

You don't seem to get many coloured native born English, American, Australian FT's, it just doesn't seem to be their bag-now, if any of those were refused a position because of their colour we should quite rightly be up in arms about it.

I have worked alongside black African teachers, to be honest whereas I found them to be good fun people I had trouble understanding what they were on about most of the time. However, if the Chinese schools are going to put these teachers alongside white FT's and charge their clients the same then they should get equal pay. Personally if I were a boss I would only employ clearly spoken teachers, irrespective of colour.

Chinese companies will often pass off second language African English speakers as native born English speakers, paying them less than white FT's; thus swindling both the Africans and the Chinese students.

Messages In This Thread
SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- FT in china -- 2011-03-24
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- wills -- 2011-04-06
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- SARAH -- 2011-04-09
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- MARK -- 2011-04-10
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- JNET -- 2011-04-13
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- mark -- 2011-04-14
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Jerry -- 2011-05-02
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- MIKE -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- FT in china -- 2011-03-24
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- sally -- 2011-03-30
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- ivy -- 2011-03-31
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Bavarian bier -- 2011-03-26
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-26
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- bhay -- 2011-03-24
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