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Noname777 - 2011-03-26


You are one of the very few who had a positive experience with Mr. Cho--however, I can't agree with you completely. I firmly believe that Mr.Cho tries to work for the best interest of the 'foreign teacher', and if that is the case--there wouldn't be any of these problems that have been posted on many different websites about him?! If these schools were using him to find teachers-I am sure he was and HAS been well aware of the financially difficulty of these schools in the Ansan area. These schools have a negative reputation and its not a secret. I speak from personal experience--yes, he has good points (ie pick you up at the airport) and will try to be helpful in other areas but the bottom line is that he is only out for himself! As a recruiter, he only gets paid by the school for each teacher he places and I am sure he 'prays' they complete their contract at the placed school. If not, he loses out. I guess what I am saying is that I cannot share the same positive review you have given. You were very LUCKY. Not many can share the same sentiment about him. I don't believe he was doing his best by placing you in this school only to go through the stress and headache of finding another school while in a foreign country where you don't speak the language. In your initial situation, he did not do his job as a recruiter to the best of his ability!!! No offense but didn't you do your 'own investigating' before signing the contract provide Mr. Cho? If you did, you would have read on many website that these school do not treat the teachers with respect and plagued with problems. Bottom line, he lied to you and I would think twice about placing 'trust' in him to find you a decent teaching contract!!! Good luck. :D

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Re Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment -- Noname777 -- 2011-03-26
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Re Stephen Cho and Eduorange -- no name -- 2011-04-30
Re Stephen Cho and Eduorange -- Chris -- 2011-01-30
Re: Ansan Topia, Ansan CIS, Stephen Cho, Eduorange Recruitment -- holymoly -- 2010-09-27
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