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Tom - 2011-03-26
In response to Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy (Bavarian bier)

"I once knew of a SERBIAN teaching kids english at a kindergarten in China, when asked how he learnt english, he said from watching american movies growing up...I mean, is this the barometer for a foreign teacher in China, looking white enough and just being able to know some english...come on!!"

Barometer??? You have the wrong instrument, you mean measuring stick, surely- that's the sort of error I make after watching an American film.

Now what has happened? This person called Ivy starts off this thread-she suggests she's Filipino-she certainly hasn't been anywhere near American films since her grasp of English is not even good enough for that dubious experience. She is most probably a Chinese lady. Whatever she is or is not, she does know how to press all the right buttons, (with remarks about white faces and poor coloured people) and get you all falling over each other to prove how anti-racist you are.

The Serbian to whom you refer should not be discriminated against on the strength of him watching American films or being white. I suggest that he shouldn't be teaching because he's not a native born English Speaker. This is not a question of colour, although I understand it is for many Chinese employers. When I was studying French (A level only) I would have felt short-changed if I hadn't of had a French French teacher- his or her colour would have been irrelevant.

Have a look at the IVY post again and then tell me you think she'd make a fine enough teacher of English to tell blue-eyed dude from Pennsylvania "sorry pal, the vacancy has been filled!" let's have less of the righteous indignation, liberally ladled out to obscure the facts.

Messages In This Thread
SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- FT in china -- 2011-03-24
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- wills -- 2011-04-06
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- SARAH -- 2011-04-09
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- MARK -- 2011-04-10
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- JNET -- 2011-04-13
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- mark -- 2011-04-14
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Jerry -- 2011-05-02
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- MIKE -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- FT in china -- 2011-03-24
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- sally -- 2011-03-30
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- ivy -- 2011-03-31
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-25
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Bavarian bier -- 2011-03-26
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- Tom -- 2011-03-26
Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy -- bhay -- 2011-03-24
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re SCHOOL IN BINZHOU by Ivy

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