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Tom - 2011-04-02

Hi, Bavarian, I like that part of your input. Good sarcasm!

Will now these "studentesses" giggle if I as old grand pappy will along with my "grandson" that even could be a big, far crocodile? I hope they will...

No, Turnoi, you're too busy, Bavarian is another and different poster! Never ye mind, you're a good bloke and I'll forgive thee.

Look here, chaps in general, my confidence has been dented lately. Why? Because whenever Turnoi, Silverboy and venerable others answer a post, they invariably attract much anger, wailing and gnashing of teeth; however, I write what i think will be a masterpiece, (sometimes in the dead of night,) go back to bed, sniggering, before I doze off "this'll get them going" only to be deflated the next day to find not even one reply.

Two answers to that, I think-either nobody wants to take me on, or, my contribution was seen as such a load of old nonsense it didn't warrant any righteous indignation whatsoever.. I shall prepare to drag my sorry frame up a mountain for a bit of tomb sweeping and perhaps throw myself off of a precipice.

Oh some good advice for gay dudes from Pennsylvania. Tomb sweeping holiday is ideal to invite that sultry teacher whose been giving you the glad-eye all term up a mountain.Half way up (and don't forget to bring sheet of paper for her to sit on) when she asks you if you like Chinese food, you should lunge, giving her a big sloppy one on the lips. Don't know what it is with Tomb day but it'll be kissy kissy all the way up and down the mountain. Happy Day of the Dead to all including those ignoring my posts.

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Re Expertise Education Company LTD, Beijing, Nanjing -- Tom -- 2011-04-02
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