View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth
Pete Haslam - 2011-04-03

Ah!.. You caught me!.... :-) ...but... no... I was knocked off my bike on my way home... Hit the ground pretty hard... Bust 3 ribs - compressed sternum - scaphoid fracture and a left radial head fracture... Birmy were very understanding and allowed me to leave a month earlier than I was gonna...It took 2 months to get better and I'm still having Physio for the radial head, as It wasn't treated properly!. I came back to Blighty and I'm now working as a TA in a primary school.

However... I must admit that there is no "Universal Standard of Quality" to which Chinese Private schools are subject... with that in mind... It is wise to check out schools properly before committing to a contract. Never do so without a exit strategy and a few grand, to save you from having to beg for it from the school.. Power is money and if you go to China without any money, you deserve all you get..... but not really :-)... It is all down to expectations and using your noodle! I was lucky enough to be in in a strong position after living in in Taizhou for 3 years before I worked at Birmy.

Anyway... Blah Blah!.... 'nuff said, by me, on this... Anyone thinking about going to China, Taizhou, Birmy or anywhere else for that matter, should do their research.. I've never taken a job, where I didn't know anyone in the area or someone working at the school I was interested in. Even then... things can and do, go wrong!...

Happy to be back home again.. Clean air, clean water and safe food....

Peace Brothers...

Mind 'ow ya go!


P.S..... Life can be beautiful... can't it?... or was I in China too long!?.... maybe.. :-)

Messages In This Thread
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Pete Haslam -- 2011-04-03
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Bavarian bier -- 2011-04-04
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Tom -- 2011-04-04
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