JAY - 2011-04-04

Foreigners especially the folks from Africa, Russia and Middle East and other ESL native speakers looking for teaching job in Guiyang in Guizhou province of China should beware of GOLDFINGER TRAINING SCHOOL. The Chinese name is 典石培训学校.I call this Goldfinger training school "THE MODERN DAY DEVIL-FINGER SLAVERY TRAINING SCHOOL. The lady who runs this training school with her husband is SUSAN. They never respect any teachers and the only business they do is all about visa. I work for them for just one month but it seems like working as a slave for decades.

This lady, Susan, is a great liar and very cruel. She tells you they do visa for you free as their teacher but when you get there and the visa is done she will now tell you the training center will deduct 1000RMB every month from your salary for visa and call it management fee; also she keeps your passport untill your visa duration is about to run out. Before then when you request your passport for travel on weekend or for bank issues, she demands cash equivalent to your annual salary before your own passport can be release to you. She never sign a contract with foreign teachers and the only contract is to keep your passport so that you can't leave. I was new to China and I was introduced to this cruel lady upon my arrival in February 2011. When I got to Guiyang, there was no apartment ready for me so I checked into a hotel for several days in my own cost.

I was told because I came to China with L visa, she got to change my visa to F before she can do the working visa (Z) for me. She got me 2 months F visa at the cost of 160RMB from the PSB. However, she demands I paid her 8000RMB for the two months F visa. I refused and want to call my embassy. She and her husband quickly pleaded with me and they took 2000RMB before the passport was released to me. After several days in the hotel, I was sent to a dirty apartment and I have to clean everything by myself. The bed was a broken student bed so I told them I can't sleep on this bed and work. Her husband told me this city, Guiyang is a poor city so I can help them by buying my own bed-so I have no choice but to sleep on a couch.

The worse is that the location of the so called apartment is very far from the kindegartens I supposed to teach. I have to get up by 6:30 a.m to catch a bus to be able to reach the school on time due to traffic situation there. The morning school is one and half hours drive by public bus from the afternoon school. I have to eat my lunch on the bus whiles going to the afternoon school- It's a hell. Mr. Stone, Susan husband told us not to mention to anyone that we teach in different school if not the schools will be angry since they run the same kindergarten. I was told I have to work one month for probation for a gross monthly salary of 4000RMB with 20 minimum teaching hours per week.

This means 1000RMB deduction for Visa, 120RMB for internet and probably 200RMB-500RMB for utility. To get the minimum 20 teaching hours a week means you've got to teach about 48 classes per week because kindergarten lessons are usually 25 minutes per class and your break times are excluded. The kindegarten I was sent to were very nice and kind to me. The boss took me as his son so when he heard about this treatment especially my salary he was shocked and angry considering how much money they give to this cruel training school for teachers. He called Susan and her husband to order when he heard am planning to leave after my probation period ends.

The kindergarten demands I teach only in their school everyday from monday to friday without going to other schools. This is because I did a good job in the school. This movement made Susan and her husband very mad so they sent 3 different teachers to the same kindergarten to replace me but they could not deliver like me so the school rejects them. So at the end of the March, I told Goldfinger Training School(DEVIL FINGER MODERN DAY SLAVERY TRAINING SCHOOL) it's time we part way in peace. Susan told me since I won't be their teacher anymore, I should pay another 4000RMB for the remaining one month visa. I got angry and gave my passport to them so that they can cancel the one month visa left then I can return to Hong Kong to take a new visa. Knowing that my exodus will be the end of their contract with the kindergarten, they came to their half sense to ask for my requirement. I stated what I wanted and they told me if the kindergarten can meet this requirement, they have no problem with me.

Fortunately, the kindergarten accepts my requirements except that the training center will be responsible for my working visa processing but the kindergarten will pay at least 400RMB every month for my visa and 3000RMB for management every month because the kindergarten have no license to engage the services with foreigners.

After this agreement, Susan husband, Mr. Stone, the greedy man, went to the kindergarten after two days to reject the agreement with the excuse that they can't do my visa for me. I told them they should pay me my salary so that I can go but they refused. Mr. Stone told me he runs the business with the boss of the PSB so there is no way I can get my visa renew here. I spoke to my embassy and my embassy promised to inform Beijing Education Bureau to handle this matter after this short holiday in April, the tomb sweeping festival. I left the Guiyang city to the South for the holiday but Susan kept disturbing me with phone calls with threats; meanwhile my probational salary is not paid.

This Goldfinger Training Center now applied for TEFL/TESOL license which I was told will be out this month, April 2011 to allow them to use thier cruel training school for TEFL/TESOL center to sell this certificates. She told me many Africans and some poor countries have no job and consider china for greener pasture so she can lure them with this TEFL/TESOL certification to keep them here so I should consider investing in their business. Fellow ESL teachers should help me inform the TEFL/TESOL council not to make a mistake to give license to this GREEDY, CRUEL and EVIL Goldfinger Training Center. They have no what it takes to train teachers for TEFL/TESOL but to sell the certificates for money.

GOLDFINGER TRAINING SCHOOL uses other agents to recruit teachers for them so please BEWARE of what you are getting into. PLEASE BEWARE OF GOLDFINGER TRAINING SCHOOL and SUSAN in Guiyang Guizhou Province. I will put her Picture together with her husband's and telephone numbers in my next writing.

see the links below for their info:


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